Chapter 10

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After the chat with Robert, I walked of to find Lizzy. I had enjoyed talking to Robert after all these years, and I would've stayed longer. But first, I need to get Lizzy prepared for the ceremony. Usually you would wear something casual, not very formal considering there's usually a celebration party afterwards.

When I reached the medical bay once more, I entered to see Lizzy putting makeup on Lexi. And by putting, I mean practically smudging it on her face.

Lexi looked like a clown with double it's usual makeup on!

"Hey Æ!" Lizzy cheered and Lexi spun round to face me.

"I said she could do my make up because she is apparently a proffesional. It doesn't look too bad does it?" Lexi asked.

I smirked. The funny thing was she was serious. She actually believed what Lizzy said. A 6 year old!

"She wouldn't let me look at a mirror until she was done!" Lexi said getting even more worried by the minute.

I still can't believe she let Lizzy use her makeup. I doubt there's even enough left to fix it.

Lexi jumped up from the chair and legged it into the bathroom. Lizzy just grinned evilly at me. She knew well what she did, and she was enjoying every moment of it.

Suddenly there came a very high pitched shriek from the bathroom. Lizzy looked as if she would burst if she held her laughter in any longer, and so she collapsed onto the floor laughing.

Lexi came storming out, and when Lizzy saw the look on her face she laughed even harder. Tears were streaming down her face, and I didn't even thing it was possible for a kid to laugh that hard.

"Your gonna fix this right now missy!" Lexi said sternly, dragging Lizzy over to a bucket of water and a sponge which would usually be used to clean up injuries.

Lizzy grabbed the sponge and slapped it onto Lexi's face and started to scrub. At first I thought she was going to do as she was told, but soon saw what she was doing.

She was purposely making the makeup run, so she could spread it about even more.

"Almost done." Lizzy announced, barely containing her laughter. After she spread the eye liner and mascara a bit more, she removed the sponge.

"Done." She said, smiling evilly at her handiwork. When Lexi rushed into the bathroom, Lizzy ran for her life out of the medical room, giggling like crazy.

"Oh my god!" She screamed and came stomping out of the bathroom once more. When she realised Lizzy was gone, she sighed and brought the mirror into the room.

She began too clean herself up and muttered something about children and Lizzy.

Then she stopped and talked to me.

"No doubt Robert sent you."

I nodded and took a seat near her.

"Okay, well, as he's probably already told you, I've gathered some info on your condition."

I stayed still hoping she would continue. She looked away from the mirror and stopped dabbing her face.

" I found a case similar to yours, not a severe, but still reasonably bad." She continued.

"Now this is just a theory, but rarely are my theories wrong. If I am correct, marking your mate would allow you to open up to her through mindlink. Then she -presuming your straight- would help you open up to others and help your confidence." That's quite ironic. First I ignore my mate because she will probably cause me pain and trouble, but now I'm being told she can help me and possibly cure me.

"A mates love is one of the strongest medicines for any wolf!"

The only problem with that is that you become mentally ill again once they die.

My wolf was howling to tell her, knowing that she would instantly side with him. However, I was not so keen.

"You haven't found you mate have you Æ?" She asked unsure, seeing the deep-in-thought look on my face.

'Tell her now you idiot.' Alexis hissed at me, trying to claw his way into control.

'Stop trying to get out or I'll put more wolfsbane in your system.' I hissed back.

Instead of shutting up he started howling and calling out for his mate. I have no idea if she could hear him, but I wasn't waiting to find out.

I rushed out of the room only to bump into a small fragile figure. They fell to the floor in a second. I was surprised at how weak they were, but I still bent down to help them up.

Without checking to see who it was, I wrapped an arm around their small frame, and hauled them back up onto her feet.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the tingles shooting up my arms and through my body.

It wasn't until I looked into her dazzling green eyes that I realised that I held my mate in my arms. And I'm not gonna deny it, I liked it. Loved it in fact.

I just held her and looked into her beautiful eyes. Captured by the soul, by the beauty of them.

Before I realised what I was doing I slowly began to lean in towards her ruby red lips.

My tall formed towered over hers, yet she still fit perfectly in my arms. As if she were made for me!

Well, technically she was.

Soon I was just looking into her eyes, as she was looking at mine, until I couldn't take it anymore.

I pressed my lips gently against hers an kissed her. I love the sweet taste of her lips and we moved our lips in sync. Her hands travelled up my chest and onto my neck, then soon tangled themselves in my mess of hair.

It was pure ecstasy, a taste of heaven.

And if I were to go to heaven now, I would die a happy man.

I nibbled on her lips teasingly and she moaned in content.

But then I realised what I was doing.

What the hell was I doing?

I made a decision to leave my mate be because it would be best for the both of us, but now I have gone against it. By freaking kissing her!

But if I were to go against it, that was the best way to go. It was like a heaven not even god was heavenly to go too.

Times three.

But that's not even the point. I'm just leading her to think I accepted our bond. Which I haven't. It's just cruel to leave her here now. Yet it would be cruel to be with her knowing the consequences.

And I'm still kissing her!

Which was amazing by the way.


I quickly broke of the kiss and my eyes widened as I stepped away.

Her face changed from content to sadness, as she reached out for me.

"Don't go." She whispered.

I shook my head. This can't be happening to me. I have the best freaking girl as a mate in the world, but I'm so fucked up in the head I can't have her. Why me? Ugh!

I slowly backed away from her. With each step it grew harder as a tear would slip down her cheek. She was so fragile, and I was smashing her through the heart.

I turned and ran before I wouldn't be able to anymore. If I stayed any longer, she wouldn't be the only one shedding tears!!


Small chapter I know!


Stay Devilish ;)

MutedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora