Chapter 3

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Muted Chpt 3

No matter how much me and my wolf wanted to go back to that amazing scent, we were pushed forwards towards the hospital part of the castle.

He kept whining, but I couldn't hear a word he was thinking. It was if he was scarred of my reaction to where the smell was coming from.

I was struggling trying to fight of the pack members but they held me back. I suppressed a growl. Let's just get this over and done with so I can go investigate the smell.

I reluctantly walked with them, constantly whining that I was getting further away from the smell. If that was some sort of food, I swear I'm gonna bathe in it!

We carried on walking when I finally stopped resisting. It was getting harder though. Although I couldn't shift at the moment, my wolf felt very close to the surface!

We walked through the mansion, and down the long, ever lasting corridors. They seemed to stretch on for miles.

Finally we reached the end door. I noticed the whole section of this building looked un-naturally clean. I wonder who cleans it, and feel sorry for them. I'd hate cleaning this place. Actually, it might take my mind of things.

The door opened silently because the hinges were so well oiled. In the center of the room was a patients chair, with a sh*t load of computer gadgets around the walls of the room.

Next to the chair was a table on wheels, which was use by the assistant to bring the doctor tools.

Laid out on it, were around 5 different medical instruments. They looked more like torture tools than medical ones. The doctor can f*ck of he thinks he poking any of those inside of me.

Sarah saw the was I was looking at the tools and chuckled.

"Don't worry. I think you need more psychological treatment than physical." She smiled.

In the corner of the room, a stock cupboard door was opened, and a young women came in. In fact, she looked more like a teenager than a doctor. Maybe she was the assistant or trainee.

She smiled at me and I swear my heart leaped. Whoever this was was familiar!

Her dark brunette hair fell down her back and arrived a little below her shoulders. Her face was reasonably tanned, a skin colour most women would kill for.

Her eyes were a dark blue, but with specks of darker colours. When she spoke her voice sounded familiar as well. I swear I knew this girl!

"Hello Ætius, I'm doctor Greenwood, it's nice to see you again!"


I would've squealed if I weren't around other people nor mute. I leaped towards Lexi to pull her into a hug, but the guards around me pulled my arms back.

I understand they think I'm a threat, but to my own sister? Really?

I tried I fight them of but they just wouldn't budge. I let out a death growl an they all jumped back in fear. Stupid guards. Couldn't keep anyone safe if they were scared of a 17 year old growl.

"Whoa Æ chill, they were only in certain." Lexi said taking cautious steps towards me. I couldn't help but how the anger on my face. Now they've made my sister scarred of me.

"What happened to you Ætius?" She asked.

I ignored her question and pulled her into a bear hug and she was lifted off the ground. I spun her round as she laughed, holding her high up.

Eventually I had to stop because she was laughing to hard. I couldn't help but grin as well. She was safe! And my farther locked up too!

"So what brings you here Bro? I know you wanted to see you 'mazing sister" She grinned pointing to herself, "but something tells me by their uneasy-ness it was for something else!"

She looked at me waiting for an answer but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I blocked that part of, as well as the bit allowing anyone other than my sister close to me!

"Umm, we think he may have some... How do I explain this? Psycho problems?" Sarah spoke up.

All traces of joking was removed from Lexi's face, an was covered with a serious plaster. "What makes you think that? He seems alright to me!"

"Well, he's not actually spoke one word yet. He refused help when he found out his leg was broken, along with several ribs, and he threatened us when I tried to remove his shades!" Sarah explained. Oh yeah. I forgot about my eyes. I'm glad no one has saw them yet.

Lexi frowned and looked towards me.

"Why haven't you talked?" She asked me. I didn't know how to answer that, so I didn't.

She gave me a concerned look and walked over to the seat, motioning for me to take a seat. I took a seat, and sat down.

She went over to get some tools before coming back over.

"Everyone out. The only one allowed is the Alpha" Lexi said, but the way she said Alpha made me frown. She said it with disgust and slight hatred, although in a childish way.

Surely that did not go unnoticed by the pack. Disrespect to the Alpha like that could temporarily ban you from the pack!

But instead everyone nodded and walked out. Some looked a little confused, along with surprise but still continued out.

As the last person exited, they popped their head back round and said "The alpha should be here in 10!"

Lexi nodded and he shut the door behind him.

She looked a little worried, but even so tried to lighten the mood.

"So, we've got so much to catch up on." She said. I could tell she was trying to steer away from the topic of dad, but I didn't question it.

"Anyway, I'm gonna ask you a few questions whilst I tend to this" She said whilst pointing to my leg, "and these." She pointed to my ribs. I nodded my head and she didn't wait for a second answer.

"Do you remember who I am?"

I rolled my eyes although she couldn't see it. I sarcastically shook my head whilst grinning.

I earned a smack round the head for that. "Hey, don't be like that. It's mandatory!" She snapped although there was a slight crack in it meaning she was trying hard not to smile.

"Do you remember what happened the night dad took you?"

I nodded.

"Good good, do you remember everything after that leading up to today?"

I nodded unsure. I'm not really to sure. Unless I was knocked out or drugged then I'm fairly sure I do.

"That's cool." She said rubbing some sort of wolfs cream on some wounds on my leg. She looked up at me and sighed.

"What did dad do to you?" She asked.

Oh god. I can't tell her that. It'll give her nightmares and make her feel guilty. I don't know what she's like now, but from what I can remember she scares easy.

I shook my head whilst shivering at the thoughts of my dad's beatings.

"Ætius tell me." She pleaded. I still shook my head. No way was she finding out the horrors he put m through.

"Ætius!" She whined using puppy eyes. Nope, that sh*t don't work on me anymore.

"Fine!" She grumbled, realising she wasn't going to get any info out. I can be stubborn hen I want to be.

"Well at least let me check your eyes."

I shook my head to that as well. Hell no! My eyes were awful. I don't know what's wrong with them, but no one is taking a look!

"I'm sorry but I have to, I have to check for any signs of concussions, stress, trauma, or any other causes to why you won't talk!" She stated crossing her arms. I knew she wouldn't take no for an answer.

I gave her a glare, although she wouldn't be able to see it through the shades. I made sure she wouldn't talk to anyone about my eyes by having a convo using her phone to type. She swore, and I trusted her.

I slowly peeled off the glasses, whilst Lexi got ready with her little torch.

As soon as they were off I closed my eyes.

"Ætius" she warned. I sighed, and slowly opened my eyes once more.

Lexi took one look at my eyes and gasped!

"Oh my god Ætius!"


Warning. Unedited!

So yeah, thanks for reading!




Stay Devilish! ;)

MutedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora