Chapter 13

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Jumping up from the log we sat on around the bonfire I turned to face Lexi. She smile gently and nodded.

"Go get her."

I nodded back and turned back round. During our conversation my mate had moved from where her and her friends were previously sat. He scent was still lingered in the air. Fresh and completely intoxicating.

Yet mingled with that stupid mutts. I growled as I remembered watching him kiss her earlier. Why hadn't I stopped him? Grrr!

I shifted so my senses would work better. It didn't hurt as much as it usually did

I pressed my nose to the wet soil, trying to get a better smell. Once I caught it again and the direction they had gone I leaped up and sprinted in the direction.

I passed a few of her friends on the way giggling and messing around, yet the boy wasn't there either. I swear if he's been messing with my mate first thing I'm gonna do is snap his neck.

They bowed their heads to me in respect of the new beta but I ignored them. The only thing on my mind at the moment was my mate, and that tw*t with her.

I raced through the trees dodging each one by one. My paws hit the soft dirt and the ground move beneath me. It would've been calming if it weren't for the situation I was in.

He scent was getting stronger now, and it was unmissable. The urge to hold her became even stronger. No wonder this guy couldn't stay away from her. Yet that was no excuse for touching what was mine!

I stopped in my tracks when I saw them. Sitting by the lake with their feet dangling gracefully in the water. Well, hers were. His were more dumped in like a pollution.

He had his arm wrapped around her, yet she stayed still as a rock.

"I don't know what to do about him?" I heard her sigh. I cocked my head to the side intrigued. I wanted to listen to this conversation a little longer.

"As you saw before, he's completely unstable. Did you see what he did to Angus." The idiot next to her said, trying to reassure her by rubbing her back. I held back a growl. I wanted to hear the end of this but he was making it extremely hard to do so.

"But it was self defence. After all he's been through I wouldn't be surprised if he's easily threatened. Maybe he just needs a caring mate to loosen up." She turned to the boy next to her. "I can't do this, I've got to help my mate."

I smiled I myself. Looks like things wouldn't be so hard after all.

She tried to stand but the he held a tight grip on her wrist, too tight!

"What's his name. Gaytius? Taythus?" Oh he did not just try and use that trick. "Just forget about him, he'll do you no good!"

I was about to pounce when I heard a twig snap from beside me. Lexi and Rob were there, wide eyes at the scene before them.

Then, as if Lexi would know my reaction, she turned to me with wide eyes. She shook her head and mouthed the words "don't do it."

I turned my attention back to my mate. This guy was now advancing towards her, and I didn't like it one bit!

"No, it's not right. The moon godde-" she was cut of by his lips and hers. I tensed and prepared to pounce. This pup would wish he was never born.

"Who cares about the moon goddess. You and thingy just don't match." He said, staring at her lustfully.

"No! I'm no-" she was cut of again by his lips brutally attacking her own. I had had enough. He hadn't taken her no for an answer, and now he had to deal with me.

MutedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora