Chapter 5

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Tessa woke up the next morning to a splitting headache, her eyes still closed. It felt as if someone was hitting her head with a hammer, and she groaned in pain. She tried move again, and groaned. It hurt to move.

"Why did I have to drink last night?" She whined to herself, her eyes still closed.

"Can you shut the hell up? I'm trying to sleep." A voice said from beside her.

Tessa's eyes snapped open and she sat up and looked to her right. Will was laying there, on his back, shirtless, glaring at her. Her eyes were glued to his sparrows tattoo and she felt herself blush.

"What the heck? Why am I sleeping with you?" Tessa asked, panicked.

"Trust me, it isn't ideal for me either." He spoke rudely. "We all stayed the night at Isabelle's and this was the only place for me to sleep."

Will shut his eyes, trying to fall back asleep.

"Why didn't you sleep on the couch?" Tessa asked.

He laughed dryly. "I don't sleep on couches, princess. It's not like we fucked or anything, God chill."

Tessa flinched at his words, and he smirked, even though his eyes were still closed.

"Though we could have if you wanted to." He smirked.

"Ew, you're disgusting. I would never." Tessa said, repulsed by the idea.

"Hmm, you're right. I would never fuck you." Will smirked, opening his eyes.

Tessa only huffed and rolled her eyes. "I have a boyfriend, anyways."

"Quite the lucky guy he is." He spoke sarcastically. "Have you two fucked?"

Tessa almost choked on her own spit. "What kind of question is that?"

"You're a virgin." Will read her expression, and then laughed. "Still? Damn."

She huffed. "I'm waiting till marriage."

He snorted. "Of course you are. I lost my virginity when I was seventeen."

"I don't care." Tessa said blankly.

Will only rolled his eyes at her, and grabbed a cigarette from the bedside table and lit it. Tessa felt disgusted.

"That's disgusting." She said as he blew out smoke. "You're killing yourself by doing that, you know."

Will shrugged carelessly. "I'm going to die, anyway."

He then smirked. "Wanna try it?"

"Uh, no thanks." She replied, disgusted.

"Figures. You're too much of a goody-two shoes." Will rolled his eyes.

"And you're too much of an asshole." Tessa retorted.

Will gasped dramatically, smirking. "She actually swears. Now don't do that, princess, that's not what good girls do."

"You bring out the worst in me." Tessa glared fiercely.

"Glad I could be of service." He smirked, and leaned up and blew smoke right in her face.

Tessa coughed, waving away the smoke, as Will laughed, smirking. She only huffed and got out of bed. She was still wearing the dress from the night before. She walked out of the room, and into the kitchen, where everyone sat. Cecily and Isabelle looked half dead, whereas everyone else didn't look as bad.

"Good morning." Clary smiled.

"Morning." Tessa greeted, taking a seat.

Simon handed her a glass of water and an Advil and she thanked him. Will walked out of the room a few minutes later, now wearing his white tank top and jeans, his cigarette gone. He took a seat across from Tessa, and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Aww, princess is rolling her eyes at me. It hurts." Will said dramatically.

Jace chuckled, smirking, and Tessa resisted the urge to roll her eyes again. He's so freaking irritating, she thought to herself.

"That's the last time I ever drink." Isabelle groaned.

"That's what you said last time." Simon looked amused.

She only groaned again, and took an Advil. Will suddenly stood up.

"I'm going home." He announced.

"Me too, I should be going." Tessa said, standing up, as well.

"How are you going to home? I picked you up." Clary asked.

"I'll just get a cab." Tessa replied casually.

"Oh there's no need for that. Will can just take you home." Cecily smirked at her brother.

"Uh, no I can't, I--" He started.

"You're taking her home, William." Cecily ordered.

Will swore, and Tessa felt annoyed. She much rather wanted to take a cab, but didn't feel like declining the offer.

"Fine." Will muttered, putting on his jacket.

Tessa said her goodbyes, and then followed Will out of Isabelle's house. They both walked outside and Will got into a white BMW. Tessa stared, it was a really nice car.

"Are you coming or not?" Will asked annoyedly.

She quickly snapped out of her trance, and got into the passenger seat of his car. Will started to drive, and he turned on the radio.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

Tessa told him, and then they both sat in silence. Will drive very fast and recklessly, and Tessa hated it. It's like he doesn't even care about not getting killed, she thought to herself. As he drove, Will opened the middle compartment in between them, looking for something, and Tessa caught sight of something.

"Is that drugs?" She asked, shocked and horrified.

"They're not mine." Will spoke simply.

"Then why do you have them?" Tessa demanded.

"What are you my mother?" He rolled his eyes. "I can't tell you. At least, not yet."

"What do you mean not yet?" She asked.

He groaned. "Do ever stop asking questions?"

"Do you ever stop being rude?" Tessa shot back.

Will only sighed in annoyance, and Tessa glared at him. She couldn't understand why he was always so bitter. Had something happened to him and it made him like this? It wasn't exactly a thing you ask. Will pulled up in front of her apartment building a few minutes later.

"Thanks." Tessa mumbled.

She got out of his car before he could reply and closed the door. Will sped off and she watched him, feeling relieved that they were now separated. She had no idea how she was going to tolerate him.

* * *

Lucky Blue Smith as Sebastian Morgenstern

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Lucky Blue Smith as Sebastian Morgenstern

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