Chapter 20

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"I -- I -- I'm breaking up with you." Tessa stuttered.

Jem's eyes widened and he looked absolutely shocked. He and Tessa were sat at Starbucks - the day after going for lunch with everyone else - and she had finally told him the news.

"I'm so so sorry, Jem. I just--" Tessa started.

"It's because of Will isn't it?" Jem cut her off.

She was startled. "How did you know?"

"I saw the way you two looked at each other." Jem smiled slightly.

Tessa sighed. "I'm so sorry, Jem. It's just that, I -- I love him, and it isn't fair to you if I keep dating you."

"I understand." He didn't even seem angry. "I still love you, Tessa, and I'll still always be your best friend."

Tessa smiled, knowing that she didn't deserve Jem.

"Thank you, Jem." She smiled.

He returned it. They both talked for a little bit more, and then they both parted ways. Jem promised that he would come to visit her often when he moved here. He was going back to Los Angeles for a bit to sort out everything. Tessa got into her car, and decided to go to headquarters - figuring that everyone would be there. She was excited to see Will.

Tessa reached the old building within a few minutes, and walked inside, up the stairs, and through the door. Everyone was sat on all of the couches, talking. They all looked up at her when she entered. Tessa's eyes sought out Will, and she smiled at him. He gave her a small smile, and her heart leaped.

"Hey, Tessa." Isabelle smiled. "Where've you been?"

Tessa took a seat. "I was with Jem. We, um, broke up."

She looked over at Will, whose eyes were wide with surprise. Though, she saw the happiness that flooded them. Isabelle only smirked at her, as did Cecily and Clary.

"Why?" Simon asked curiously.

"I didn't have feelings for him anymore." Tessa confessed.

Everyone started talking again, and Tessa glanced over at Will. He was smirking at her, looking amused. She only rolled her eyes at him, playfully. Will only chuckled and grinned at her. Tessa looked at Cecily who was smirking at her and Tessa, as was Clary and Isabelle.

"God," Isabelle started, smirking at Will and Tessa. "You two are just itching to get your hands on each other, now, aren't you?"

Tessa blushed, embarrassedly, and Will only smirked.

"Aw, they can't even deny it." Clary smirked.

"Stop it." Tessa whined.

Everyone laughed, and Will continued to smirk at her.

"Stop smirking at me." Tessa said.

"Why?" He smirked wider on purpose.

"Because it's annoying." Tessa replied.

"You love it, Tess." Will grinned, teasingly.

She only swore under breath, and Will laughed at her. Soon, everyone left, though Will and Tessa lingered behind. When the door finally shut behind Gabriel, leaving them alone, Tessa felt her heart beat faster. She looked over at Will, who was smirking at her. God, he's so freaking hot, Tessa thought to herself. He was easily the most beautiful person she had ever seen.

"You actually broke up with him." Will sounded a bit amused.

"You thought I wouldn't?" Tessa raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. I thought you really liked him." He said simply.

"I did, but I..." Tessa trailed off, blushing.

"You like me more." Will read her expression, and then smirked.

"You seem in a very good mood." Tessa mused.

"Why wouldn't I be? The girl I love isn't dating anyone, anymore." Will sounded amused.

Suddenly feeling brave, Tessa stood up and went over and sat in his lap, straddling him. Will's eyes widened, but then he grinned.

"Hmm, and who would that be?" Tessa teased.

"Well, she's sitting in my lap and I want to kiss the living daylights out of her." Will smirked.

Tessa's heart beat faster. "Then why don't you?"

Will then pressed his lips to hers, and Tessa felt her insides melt. Will's lips were soft against hers, and her hands went around his neck. His hands gripped her waist, pulling her closer to him. Will kissed her harder, and she moaned quietly. Tessa couldn't explain what it felt like when Will touched her, only that it was best thing she had ever felt.

"Tessa." Will whispered against her lips.

His hands played with her jacket, and Tessa pulled it off. Suddenly, Will switched them so Tessa was laying down on the couch, and he was on top of her. He kissed her fiercely - with a desire that was foreign to Tessa. Will's hands roamed her body, and she made a sound.

"He didn't touch you the way that I do, did he?" Will whispered, pulling away from her.

"Nobody could touch me the way that you do." Tessa admitted, whispering.

Will only looked at softly, as if she would break, and then pressed his lips to hers again. Tessa pulled him down towards her, their bodies pressed together. Her hands found their way underneath his shirt, and she felt him shiver at her touch. Will bit her lip, and Tessa moaned. She pushed up his shirt, her hands roaming his back. Will leaned down and started to kiss her neck, and Tessa breathed out hard. She felt his teeth graze her skin.

"Will." She breathed.

Suddenly, the door opened, and both Will and Tessa froze in shock. Isabelle walked in, and stopped dead in the doorway. She looked shocked for a moment, but then she crossed her arms and started to smirk.

"Well, well, Tessa's not even broken up with her boyfriend for two hours and you two are already devouring each other." She smirked.

Will got off of Tessa, who sat up, feeling humiliated.

"Why did you come back here?" Will sounded annoyed.

"I forgot my phone." Isabelle picked up her white iPhone off of the coffee table.

She looked up and smirked at them again. "I'll leave now so you two can go back to attacking each other."

"Izzy." Tessa whined, cringing.

She only laughed, blew them a kiss, and then left. Will and Tessa sat there for a moment, in silence. Will then started to laugh and Tessa joined him. God, Tessa thought, that was humiliating.

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