Chapter 16

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"They're not even supposed to be here?" Tessa echoed.

She was sitting in the cafeteria on her lunch break - the next day - with everyone else. Jace had just told her that Sebastian and Mortmain were supposed to be out of town, but yet they were here.

"That's what they told Will and I." Jace continued. "But apparently they were lying."

"So, we think they're probably planning something." Cecily added in. "But we had no idea what that could be."

"They could be trying to steal the drugs back?" Tessa suggested.

Gabriel shook his head. "We only stole a little bit. They wouldn't care that much about them."

"Thank God they didn't see you, Tessa."
Clary said.

Tessa was quite thankful, too. She didn't even want to know what they would have done to her.

"What are we going to do?" She asked.

"Just be careful when you're out. There isn't much else we can do." Isabelle frowned.

After lunch was over, they all walked out of the cafeteria, and Tessa spotted Jem in the lobby. She walked up to him, feeling curious. Jem was grinning widely.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Tessa asked.

"I have to tell you something. I was going to wait until you were off work, but I can't wait any longer." He started.

"What is it?" Tessa felt anxious.

"I'm moving back here!" Jem announced happily.

Tessa's eyes widened, and she broke out into a smile. "What?!"

"I applied to the med school here, and they're letting me transfer." He smiled. "It'll be just like old times again."

"That's great!" Tessa exclaimed, and hugged him. "Where are you going to live?"

They both pulled away.

"I bought an apartment not too far away for yours." Jem replied happily.

Tessa only smiled. After a few more minutes, Jem left, as Tessa joined everyone else.

"What was that about?" Cecily asked curiously, as they all walked out of the elevator.

"Jem's moving back here." She smiled brightly.

Will's head whipped around to look at her, though she didn't look at him.

"He was able to switch schools?" Clary asked, and Tessa nodded happily.

"That's great." Isabelle smiled.

Tessa only smiled and they all went and took their seats in their desks. Tessa immediately started to read the manuscript that was sitting on her desk, when she got the feeling that someone was looking at her. She looked up to see Will studying her.

"What is it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Can I ask you something?" Will started suddenly.

"Sure." She replied.

Will was silent for a few moments. "Was I right that day? Do you not love him?"

Tessa realized that he was talking about Jem, and she felt herself reddened. Will looked very serious, no trace of mockery anywhere. She didn't want to lie to him.

"No." She admitted, sighing. "I'm not in love with him."

Will looked a bit surprised, but there something else there, too. Though, Tessa couldn't tell what it was.

"Why?" She asked.

He shrugged. "Had a feeling."

Tessa hesitated. "How could you tell? That I didn't love him like that?"

"I'm very good at reading people." Will's voice was low and husky, and he leaned forward. "You, especially."

Tessa suddenly felt a bit breathless. "Why me?"

Will shrugged again. "I don't know."

His blue eyes were so bright, that Tessa found it almost impossible to look away. He's so beautiful, she thought to herself. Tessa felt a strange feeling envelope her as she looked at him, and her heart was starting to beat faster. She recognized what it was right away, and quickly looked away from him. She turned back around in her desk, not believing what she was feeling.

She couldn't.

She was dating Jem.

But no matter what she told herself, Tessa couldn't shake her feelings.

She had a crush on Will.

* * *

I'm such a terrible person, Tessa thought, as she looked at Will. A horrible, horrible, person. They were all at headquarters after work, and Tessa couldn't keep her eyes off of Will. She was dating Jem and yet she was having these feelings for Will. God, what was wrong with her? She felt so angry with herself.

"Can I help you with something?" Will's voice snapped her out of her trance.

Tessa realized, in horror, that she had been staring at Will the whole time. He was smirking at her, and she felt herself turn red. God, why does his smirk have to be so hot? She thought. Tessa quickly tore her eyes off of him. When Will looked at her, Tessa felt as if he were running his hands all over her body.

"We should all go out again, Friday night." Clary suggested.

"Totally! I'll throw a party at my parents house. They're never home anyway." Isabelle replied.

"I don't know if I should come." Tessa flitted her eyes to Will. "Last time I went out, I woke up the next morning in the same bed as Will."

He rolled his eyes, but she could tell he was a bit amused. "Don't pretend like you didn't like it."

Tessa only shook her head, chuckling.

"You should come, Tessa. It'll be fun." Clary encouraged.

Tessa felt uneasy. "I don't know. I got pretty drunk last time."

"You're such a saint." Will smirked. "It kills you to do something bad, doesn't it?"

Tessa narrowed her eyes. "Fine, I'll come."

Isabelle clapped her hands together. "Perfect! This is going to be the best party ever."

"I don't think it'll be able to live up to the one you threw last summer." Jace grinned, amused.

"True." Will agreed. "That one was pretty wild."

"This one will be better!" Isabelle exclaimed, grinning.

Tessa only chuckled and stood up.

"I should be going." She said.

Will stood up, as well. "Me too."

The both of them said their goodbyes, and walked alongside each other down the hallway. They walked down all of the stairs, and outside to their cars. Tessa turned to Will just as she was about to walk to her.

"I'll see you, tomorrow." She said.

"See ya." Will replied, surprisingly no trace of sarcasm in his voice.

Tessa's only looked at him for a second, and he did the same. She suddenly had an overwhelming feeling of wanting to kiss him. Tessa quickly dismissed the thought from her mind and got into her car. I need to stop this, she told herself. This is wrong and he would never want me anyways. Tessa began to drive, and forced herself to push Will out of mind. It was wrong of her to be thinking about him when she was dating Jem. Jem, who was sweet and kind and everything that Will wasn't.

But she wanted Will. She wanted him badly. Tessa wondered how she hadn't realized this before - her feelings. Sure, Will had been mean and rude to her, but he was different now. Something about him had changed, but Tessa wasn't sure what it was.

And it was with she finally pulled up in front of her apartment, that she realized she was in love with him.

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