Truth or Dare

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Sentences in italics - the characters thoughts or your thoughts


(Y/n) - your name

(G/n) - guy name = best guy friends name/famous male person/crushes name/random name

-Your POV-

So far, the sleepover has been a blast! Adrien sneezes non stop due to the feathers covering every nook and cranny of his room. We basically ripped apart every seen pillow for our pillow fight. It's like a giant bird exploded in here! We also had a karaoke competition. Nino, though he makes amazing beats, cannot! And I repeat! Cannot! Sing for his life! It's like cats being run over by a lawnmower. Marinette and Alya are amazing singers. Obviously. And Adrien, well I haven't heard him sing. I hope it's not as bad as it was when he was possessed by Princess Fragrance. (A/n: When I first heard chat sing, I cried and fell of the bed 😂) Poor Nathan was forced to sing but was amazing at it. He was so quiet though, but it was cute. (G/n) isn't singing cause, well, he's a singer, so it ain't fair. He sits next to me chuckling.

"Come on (y/n)! We haven't heard you sing. Come on!" Alya and Marinette pester me. Hell no am I singing! I sit on the floor, crossed legged and my arms crossed across my chest. Alya and Marinette try to lift me off the floor. I giggle when they fall over.

"Sheesh (y/n)! How much do you weigh!?" Nino gulps when I glare at him. If looks could kill, he would be in hell by now. He puts his hands up in defence. "Sorry mate." He chuckles along with Adrien.

"Come on (y/n). I know you can beat all of them." (G/n) whispers in my ear and I notice Adrien frowning? Why is he upset?

"I'm not singing and that's final. Even Adrien isn't singing!" I point at Adrien and he just shrugs.

"I am the host of the sleepover so....." I growl and shake my head. It's not that I can't sing. I can. I'm just embarrassed to do so. Especially in front of large crowds or small groups of people.

"Still not singing." Everyone sighs and I smirk. Victory for me!

"Ok. You win." Marinette sighs. I fist pump the air.

"Hey! Why don't we play truth or dare?" Alya says, smirking. Oh shit, she has a plan. Everyone agrees.

"I'm good." I say and stand up when someone pulls on my wrist, making me fall back down on my butt. Well, on someone's lap. I look up and see that it was (g/n). I playfully glare at him and punch him on the shoulder.


"Come on (y/n). Don't be a party pooper." I snicker at what Adrien said. Who in this world, says party pooper? No one. Adrien looks at me confused and I flick his forehead before getting off (g/n) and sitting in between him and Adrien.

"Fine. I'll play. But any sign of mischief and I'm out." I glare at Alya. She gives me the innocent look.

"Oh. And one more thing. There's going to be a twist in this game." Alya says as Marinette comes back with an empty wine bottle. Never knew she left. And why is there wine in the kitchen!? Does Adrien drink!?

Ok spill." Nino says.

"If you don't complete a truth or dare, you will kiss the person next to you. On the lips." Alya laughs, well cackles like a witch. That evil little, you know what, I'm not even going to complete that sentence. Marinette instantly sits next to Adrien who sits next to me, who sits next to (g/n), who sits next to Alya, who sits next to Nino who sits next to Nathan and who sits next to Marinette. Poor Nathan, he's blushing bright. My poor lil' tomato child. I look next to me and blush when Adrien smiles back. Great, that's just great. I'm sitting next to Adrien! Marinette goes first and spins the bottle. It stops at Alya. Marinette smirks. Oh damn. She's got something good up her sleeve. This is gonna be interesting. Where's the popcorn when you need it!?

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