The three couples

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I was watching miraculous again and I paused it at the right moment. I mean, look at that face 😂 ^^

Sentences in italics - the characters thoughts or your thoughts


(Y/n) - your name

(G/n) - guy name = best guy friends name/famous male person/crushes name/random name

-Third POV-

You stand there, frozen. Was I that obvious!? You gulp unconsciously as Marinette stares at you. You rub the back of your head, giggling nervously.

"You. Ladybug. Wow! I never noticed." You say, trying to act shocked but Marinette is not fooled. You sigh, giving up. "It was the hair." You say straight out. Technically I'm not lying, but I ain't telling her I'm from another dimension. Well, until she asks or I somehow pixelate outta here. Don't think thats gonna happen. But who said I want to leave!

"(Y/n)!" Marinette shouts, waving her hands in front of your face.

"Huh? What?" Marinette giggles.

"You just stood there in your own world for a few minutes there. I was trying to get your attention."

"Oh. Sorry." You give her a closed eye smile, rubbing the back of your neck.

"So, (y/n), now that you know my secret. Please promise that you won't tell anyone!" Marinette says, shaking your shoulders. Hard.

"Would you calm down. I promise. I haven't said anything in the first place."

"First place? Wait, how long did you know!?" Marinette says, shocked.

"Um, the very first meeting." You laugh nervously. Marinette face palms. You laugh.

"Can I come out now?" You hear a little voice from Marinette and you straight away know who it is. Tikki. Tikki flies out and flies to you. She practically sits on your nose, investigating you.

"Hi I'm Tikki."

"I know. I'm (y/n)."

"YOU KNOW!" Marinette screams. You get annoyed at yourself. I'm a fucking idiot, aren't I. You groan out load, face palming.

"Your not from here are you (y/n)?" Tikki says. You shake your head. So leading the dazed and confused Marinette to the bed, you explain everything. Well, besides you having a kwami and that you know that Adrien is Chat Noir and that Hawkmoth is Adrien's Father, Gabriel.

"And here we are, me telling you everything." Marinette stays still, frozen. You poke her cheek. "You ok?"

"Wow. So our whole life is a show?" You nod.

"I'll give you some time to digest everything. If you need me for anything, just call me." You say, leaving Marinette to indulge all the information you just gave her.

Meanwhile, Adrien is helping (g/n) up. Adrien narrows his eyes at him. Nino, Alya and Nathaniel go searching out for Marinette and (y/n).

"Whoa. What just happened?" (G/n) says, gripping his head.

"You mean you really don't remember?" Adrien asks, still suspecting him. (G/n) shakes his head. You suddenly come barging in, running up to the two guys.

"(G/n)!" (G/n) looks up and his eyes widen at your state. A tear falls down his cheek when you embrace him. What did I do to her!?

"(Y/n). Did. Did I do that. To you?" (G/n) shakily says.

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