The Sermon In The House.

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well, yesterday was quite a day. Today we have another firrette meeting and I have to prepare the songs i will raise during the meeting. Well, I've gotta go to class.

Classes were great today. I was walking back to my dorm when I heard my name. Soon after Edwin appeared beside me.

Edwin: hi

Elsie: hello

Edwin: we've got a meeting today, please prepare and the reporting time is 5:30pm

Elsie: thank you

Edwin: welcome.

It was 2:00 pm at that time so I went to pray and meditate on the Bible in some deserted building I found some weeks ago.

I finished meditating around 5 and went straight to Mr. & Mrs. Browne's home. When I got there, Lisa the usher was arranging chairs for the meeting so I helped. Edwin the organizer was writing the program for the meeting. Mrs. Browne was baking cookies and making lemonade, Paula the treasurer was preparing the offering bowl. At 5:30, David the BSC, Paula, Yussmane and Mr. Browne showed up and the meeting started.

Mr. Browne led us in prayer with some powerful prayer topics, then I lead he group in worship and praises then Edwin ministered a solo whiles we gave offertory.

Then, Paula took over.

Paula: Good evening

All: Good evening

Paula: It is an honor to be given this platform to share the word with you all. Please bow your heads in prayer.

Today our Bible Reading is taken from John 4:1-7. Now this passage talks about Jesus and the woman of Samaria. Jesus fasted for 40 days without food or water but as he was passing by that well he was thirsty.

He could have just passed by because he has been thirsty for 40 days before but he used his thirst as an opportunity to evangelize and make the woman Born Again by asking her for water.

This tell us that, we can use simple ways and methods to evangelize to people. Please let's evangelize to people and invite them to come join us for service.

Evangelism is sharing the word of God, Tell some one about Jesus and invite them for our next firrette meeting. Please bring at least one person with you for our next meeting.

After the meeting we ate Mrs. Browne's cookies and drank lemonade. As I was walking back to the dormitory I was thinking about what Paula spoke about when Paula gave me a letter.

I opened it and saw that it was from my dad

Dear Elsie,

I am writing this letter to inform you about things that went on in my life that only your 2 mothers know.

So, before I married your mum, I already had a wife who was pregnant with our first child.

Now before I married her too, I was a drug dealer. After I married that woman I gave my life to Christ and decided to stop being a drug dealer.

But the people I worked with didn't want me to stop. SO they kept chasing me and I left without telling her and I came to the UK. now that is when i met our mum and we got married, even though I had given my life to Christ I still wasn't  a good christian so i never took my Christianity seriously.

I had 2 boys and 2 girls with your mother, you are the last born. when you were born, i went out to get you something special but in the shop i saw one of he people who wanted to kill me, so, I left for Italy and came back when you were five.

When i came back, i had become a strong christian and your mum didn't like it so she kept forcing me to  stop and I said know so, i left back for Italy when you were 10. that was when I gave you that watch.

Then right now that you are twelve i came back because your mum wanted a divorce and after the divorce i came back to Ghana to sort things out. Now 2 days after I have been in Ghana, my wife in Ghana has been murdered. My daughter, your half sister, Anne also doesn't want to see my face.

                                                                                                                                                                     yours truly,



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