Chapter 3: Your Kitchen or Mine?

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The next morning, Taylor woke and got ready for school. She'd more or less forgotten about Karlie and the awkwardness of the previous afternoon and, after scoffing down a bowl of cereal, she grabbed her backpack and was out the door.

As she walked along the path from her door to the sidewalk, she was looking through the music on her MP3 player, trying to decide what to listen to. When she reached the sidewalk she turned in the direction of school. She looked up from her MP3 player and felt a familiar fluttering in her stomach. Karlie was walking from her house to the sidewalk. Without thinking, Taylor stopped and stared. Karlie noticed Taylor and gave her a smile and a wave. Taylor waved back and walked over to Karlie, who was waiting by her mailbox.

"Hey there." Karlie said with a smile.

"Hi." Taylor responded, smiling back.

"Do you want to walk to school with me?" Karlie asked.

"Sure." Taylor said, and the two girls began walking. They walked in silence for a few moments, before Karlie spoke.

"So what do you get up to when you're not walking to and from school?" She asked Taylor.

"Just the usual teenage girl stuff mostly. My friend Selena and I hang out at the mall sometimes. Other than that I like to write and bake." Taylor replied.

"Oh my god!" Karlie exclaimed excitedly. "I love baking. We should bake together some time." Karlie grinned as she spoke.

"Sure" Taylor said with a smile. "That sounds really cool."

Initially Taylor thought she was just being polite, but when she thought about it she realized that hanging out with Karlie and baking did actually sound like a lot of fun.

"Are you free on Friday night?" Karlie asked.

"Yeah." Taylor said.

"Awesome" Karlie said. "Your kitchen or mine?"

"Mine if you want" Taylor said with a laugh. "My parents are going out that night.

"It's a date." Karlie said. Taylor could have sworn Karlie winked at her as she said it, but she only caught it out of the corner of her eye, so she wasn't sure.

They walked in silence again for a moment. Once again it was Karlie who broke the silence.

"What do you write?" She asked.

"Hmm?" Taylor asked. She'd been lost in her thoughts, and although she'd heard Karlie, her words hadn't fully processed.

"You said you liked to write. What do you write?"

"Oh yeah" Taylor said. "I write songs. I want to be a singer one day."

"That's really cool" Karlie said. "I kind of want to be a model."

"You know, the moment I saw you I thought you were pretty enough to be a model." Taylor said.

"Why thank you." Karlie said, smiling at Taylor "I'm also really interested in computer science. I know, I'm a nerd."

"No, that's really cool." Taylor said.

They continued to talk until they reached the school. They didn't have any classes together apart from English, which they didn't have until the afternoon.

The next time they saw each other was in the cafeteria at lunch.

Taylor and Selena were sitting alone at a table talking. Taylor was suddenly aware of a tall figure at the end of the table. It was Karlie.

"Hi Taylor" She said. "Do you mind if I sit with you guys?"

"Go ahead." Taylor said, then gestured towards Selena. "This is Selena, she's in our English class too. Selena, this is Karlie."

"Hi." Selena said with a smile, as Karlie sat down next to her.

Taylor and Karlie made eye contact momentarily. Karlie then turned to Selena, who was talking to her. "Karlie's eyes are so green" Taylor thought. "I hope when I finally find a boy he has eyes like hers."

Taylor suddenly realized that Selena had asked her something. She was jolted back to reality and noticed that both Selena and Karlie were staring at her expectantly, clearly awaiting an answer to something.

"I'm sorry, what?" She said, sheepishly.

"I asked if you wanted to go to the mall after school." Selena said.

"Oh" Taylor said, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Yeah, that sounds cool."

"Excellent" Selena said.

Taylor realized that Karlie was probably coming too. She was glad about that, excited even. They'd only met the day before, but she really enjoyed Karlie's company.

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