Chapter 16: Heart or Mind?

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The next day was a Saturday, and Taylor decided to go for a walk to Selena's house. As she left her house she saw Karlie waiting on the sidewalk. Karlie had a slightly downcast expression.

Taylor approached her and said hello. Karlie's trademark smile returned instantly. When Karlie smiled, it was like sunshine warming Taylor's heart, and she couldn't help but smile back.

"You doing okay?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah." Karlie said. "I'm fine. Just waiting for Toni."

Taylor tried not to visibly cringe at the sound of Toni's name. Karlie was no longer the same sunny, carefree soul that Taylor had met and subsequently fallen in love with, and the only thing Taylor could think of that had changed was the addition of Toni into Karlie's life. A slight breeze blew past the girls, and some of Taylor's hair blew into her face. Almost immediately, Karlie reached out and gently brushed it back behind Taylor's ear. For a moment she held her hand there, and the two of them locked eyes. Karlie's hand was so warm and soft, and Taylor's heart began to pound and she inhaled sharply.

Karlie suddenly pulled her hand away from Taylor's face. Taylor blushed and looked away.

Just then, Toni's car pulled up and Karlie walked towards it.

"See ya Tay." She said, as she got into the car. Taylor noticed that the downcast look had returned to Karlie's face. The impulse she'd had the previous evening returned momentarily, and for a split second she was about to call out to Karlie, to tell her that she loved her, and that she could do better than Toni. She opened her mouth, ready to pour her heart out in a proclamation of her love. All that she managed, however, was a sheepish wave.

As Karlie got into the car, Toni embraced her and they kissed passionately. Taylor looked down. She felt like she was about to cry. She was surprised at herself. She'd been handling things so well, why was she back where she'd started, unable to handle Karlie's happiness with another? 

What happiness? Karlie wasn't happy with Toni. They were fighting, and Karlie never smiled anymore. Maybe that was why Taylor couldn't handle their relationship anymore - she knew it was hurting Karlie. If Karlie was her girlfriend, she'd treat her so much better. Karlie was an angel, a sweet fairy butterfly, she deserved better than Toni.

When Toni and Karlie had finished kissing they continued to hug for a moment, during which Toni looked at Taylor and glared. Taylor rolled her eyes and looked away again. Toni pushed Karlie off of her and drove off.

Suddenly, a burst of inspiration hit Taylor and some lyrics formed in her mind:

"You've got a smile that could light up this whole town,
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down,
You say you're fine, I know you better than that,
Hey what you doing with a girl like that?"

She watched as Toni's car disappeared from sight, then she continued walking. As she walked, more lyrics came to her. She came up with a chorus:

"Have you ever thought just maybe,
You belong with me."

She was starting to feel like Karlie and her really did belong together. She was starting to think that this was all a test, that the universe was pushing her to action. It had always seemed like the universe was pushing them together. They were seated together in English, they had the same taste in music, they both liked strawberry milkshakes, they lived next door to each other. Then there was the time they'd kissed. Whenever Taylor thought to hard about Karlie, she always came back to that, how right it had felt. Karlie and her were right together. She'd known it from the moment they'd met, although she hadn't recognized it at the time.

Her mind began to race with ideas of things she could do to win Karlie's heart - stupid, impulsive things. She thought of some grand declaration of love, like something out of a cheesy romantic comedy. She wished Karlie would drop everything to meet her in the pouring rain. They'd kiss on the sidewalk, and all the pain and anguish would be gone. Romantic music would play. Everything would be perfect.

Her mind told her that declaring her love for Karlie was a bad idea, but her heart told her it was the right thing to do. She had no idea which one to listen to. She'd been ignoring her heart and listening to her mind throughout this whole situation, and it hadn't exactly worked out well for her, so maybe her heart was the one to listen to. On the other hand, she needed Karlie in her life, even if only as a friend. Her mind was just trying to keep her from jeopardizing their friendship.

"Hey, what's up?" Selena said, as she answered the door to Taylor.

"I need you to talk me out of doing something stupid." Taylor replied.

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