Chapter 7: Cookies and Kisses

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"So what are we making?" Karlie asked, leaning against the kitchen bench. She had a slightly mischievous smirk, and this glint in her eye. It made Taylor smile too. Karlie always seemed to have this aura about her, this joy of life, and Taylor found it utterly contagious.

"I'm really good at baking cookies." Taylor said.

"So modest Miss Swift." Karlie said with a wink "Cookies it is then."

Taylor knew the recipe off by heart, and took out all the ingredients. She and Karlie worked together to mix the dough. They took turns adding ingredients and mixing them in.

"We should do this more often." Karlie said, as Taylor put the cookies in the oven.

"Definitely." Taylor said, smiling. She was really enjoying herself. Ever since meeting Karlie, things had been confusing. Karlie had initially made her nervous and, in all honesty, the butterflies still came and went when the two girls were together, but Taylor had learned to deal with it. Then there was the dream. She'd dreamed that her and Karlie had kissed. The next morning things had been awkward between the two of them. However none of that mattered that much to Taylor as the two girls baked cookies together. In fact, baking together felt totally right.

"So what do you want to do while we wait for the cookies?" Karlie asked. Taylor was suddenly snapped out of her train of thought and realized she was staring at Karlie. She felt herself begin to blush, and hoped Karlie didn't see. She didn't want to have to explain what she was thinking about.

"Um... I don't know. What do you feel like doing?" Taylor asked nervously. The butterflies were back, and she couldn't handle them this time.

"There's one thing I was kind of hoping to do. You can totally say no if you don't feel comfortable with it though..." Karlie said.

"Oh no" Taylor though to herself "she wants to kiss me." But why? Why had Taylor's mind gone directly to that. And why did the thought of such a possibility fill her not with dread but with excited butterflies? Did she secretly want to kiss Karlie? Was that what the dream was about? Was that why she couldn't stop staring at her? Taylor's heart was pounding so hard that she was sure Karlie could hear.

"Oh yes?" Taylor finally said, her voice shaking. She hoped Karlie wouldn't notice the huge gulp she took immediately after speaking.

"You mentioned that you wrote songs. I was wondering if you might sing me some of them." Karlie said.

"Oh..." Taylor replied, her heart slowing to a more reasonable speed. "I'm fine with that." Taylor said, hoping Karlie wouldn't hear the disappointment in her voice. Disappointment? Was she really disappointed that Karlie didn't ask to kiss her?

Karlie smiled. Taylor's heart melted and she smiled back. Being around Karlie made her feel so calm, so comfortable.

"Wait here." Taylor said, running up to her room to get her guitar. Moments later she returned to the kitchen and beckoned for Karlie to enter the living room. The two of them sat on the couch and Taylor began to play and sing:

"I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
Cause I'm still trying to figure it out
Don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
Trying to see through the rain coming down
Even though I'm not the only one
Who feels the way I do

I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world..."

When Taylor was finished singing, Karlie had the widest grin that Taylor had ever seen.

"That was so beautiful." Karlie said.

"Thanks" Taylor said, blushing. She didn't usually perform her music for people. In fact, only Selena had ever heard her songs.

"You're welcome. I totally understand what it's like when you're trying to figure things out." Karlie said, making eye contact with Taylor. In that moment, everything melted away in Taylor's mind. Everything but Karlie's green eyes. Something unspoken passed between them, and before Taylor knew what she was doing, she leaned in to kiss Karlie.

She was dreaming again... she must be. As the kiss ended the two girls just looked at each other.

"Not a dream this time..." Taylor whispered.

"I... I'm sorry." Karlie said, breaking eye contact with Taylor. Taylor then surprised herself by gently placing her hand under Karlie's chin and guiding her back to her gaze. Without a word, they kissed again. It felt right. It felt wonderful.

They stopped kissing again and looked at each other.

"What is this?" Karlie asked.

"I don't know..." Taylor replied.

"Is this... do we like each other?" Karlie asked "like, as more than friends?"

"I don't know..." Taylor repeated, and then added "for now let's just go with it. We'll work it out tomorrow."

With that, they kissed again.

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