Chapter 4: The Mall

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The trip to the mall that afternoon was an enjoyable one for the most part. They went to a clothing store first and tried on dresses. Karlie tried on a short sun dress. It was black with blue flowers. As Taylor watched Karlie pose for her and Selena, she remembered what she'd thought when she saw Karlie for the first time: "She could be a model." Looking at her now, in a dress that stopped just below her thighs, Taylor was certain that Karlie could make it as a model. She looked so beautiful. Her legs were long and toned. Her arms were skinny, but slightly muscular. Her shoulders were so smooth. Taylor couldn't stop herself from staring. This girl was so beautiful, so radiant. Se was like sunshine.

"Oh my god Taylor, you should take a photo of me!" Karlie said excitedly, snapping Taylor out of her trance. Taylor nodded and pulled out her phone. She snapped a few shots of Karlie striking poses.

When they were bored of trying on dresses, they went to the food court and got milkshakes. Taylor and Karlie both got strawberry. Selena got chocolate.

"You like strawberry too?" Taylor asked Karlie.

"Yeah, it's my favourite flavour." Karlie said.

"Mine too." Taylor said with a smile.

The three girls sat talking and sipping their milkshakes. After about ten minutes, Karlie got up to go to the bathroom. While she was gone, Selena asked Taylor something unusual:

"What's the deal with you and Karlie?"

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.

"You keep staring at her." Selena said.

"Uh... no I don't." Taylor said nervously. She didn't know why she felt compelled to lie. The fact was that she did keep staring at Karlie. Looking at Karlie made her smile, but it sounded weird admitting that.

"Yes you do." Selena said. "Is there something you want to tell me Tay?"

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.

Selena opened her mouth and was about to say something when Karlie came back.

"Never mind." Selena said.

After they finished their milkshakes, the three of them went to a CD store. Taylor and Karlie were looking through CDs in the Alternative section, while Selena preferred the pop section. Karlie turned to Taylor and showed her a CD. The band's name was written across the top in big letters: Hawthorne Heights. Just above the band name was written in smaller, fancier text: 'If Only You Were Lonely'.

"Have you ever heard this band?" Karlie asked. Taylor took the CD from her and looked at the track listing on the back.

"No, are they good?" she asked.

"I like them." Karlie replied. "I think if you like Fall Out Boy you might like Hawthorne Heights, although they're a bit heavier."

Taylor looked at the CD for a moment, contemplating. She could afford the CD, and she was extremely tempted to buy it purely on the grounds that some girl she'd only just met told her it was good. This was unusual for her. She wasn't usually this impulsive. There was just something about being around Karlie that made her want to let loose and go with the flow.

Taylor decided to buy the CD. As she approached the cashier, Karlie went to find Selena. Taylor paid her money and left the store, where Karlie and Selena were waiting.

It was 5pm by this point, and the three of them agreed that they'd all better go home. Fortunately, Selena had a car, and she was able to drive Taylor and Karlie as far as the school. She could have driven them all the way home, and she told them this several times, by Karlie had insisted that they could walk the rest of the way. Taylor, although she said nothing, was glad that Karlie insisted on Selena not driving them all the way. She'd enjoyed walking with Karlie that morning and the previous afternoon.

"So will you listen to that when you get home?" Karlie asked excitedly.

"Sure." Taylor said with a smile. She was looking forward to listening to something Karlie recommended to her. You could always learn a lot about a person by listening to their favourite music, and Karlie was someone about whom Taylor felt the desperate urge to learn everything.

"And you'll text me to let me know what you think?" Karlie asked.

"Of course" Taylor replied. "Although I'll need your number first." She added, with a little laugh.

The two of them stopped walking to exchange numbers. When they had each other's numbers, they continued walking until they reached their houses. They said goodbye, and agreed to walk to school together the next day. Without thinking, Taylor put her arms out to hug Karlie. As soon as she did this she began to blush, thinking Karlie would find it weird. Contrary to this assumption, Karlie grinned and hugged Taylor. Then they went into their houses.

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