Symmetrical Dreams (Death The Kid x Reader)

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Why hello there! If you're here for a good story, you've certainly come to the right place! This was my first fan fiction,(ahh nostalgia) so I guess you could say its now "under construction" as I have begun the process of re-writing. I hope you enjoy!

*I do not own any characters except Jace***(y/n)=your name. Will start off with (your name) though. everything else should be self-explanatory.


         I opened my eyes to look at the time, 4am. Why couldn't I sleep? I have been tossing and turning all night, my mind wandering. Sighing, I get up out of my bed. The best way to wear myself out? A late night walk. Changing into some public-appropriate clothing, I slip out of the front door into the chilly night air. I stuff my hands into my pockets and take in a deep breath, watching my feet hit the ground as I walk. This part of the city was quiet at night, despite all of the houses and stores in the surrounding area, almost peaceful.... almost.

        I had been walking for quite some time, about a mile from the mansion, I guessed, the route being pictured in my mind. I had the eerie feeling I had been trailed the entire time, but I had seen no one until my ears perked up at some whispering coming from behind a building, it wasn't uncommon, but alas, it was still sketchy. Curious, I creeped up to the alley. Without warning a figure lunged from in the darkness, wrapping their clammy hands around my mouth and yanking me into the alley, far away from civilian eyes. I was shoved against the wall with little care, my back and skull striking the brick wall behind me, they know who I am.

        The figure became a gruel face, two piercing green eyes that seemed to stare straight into my soul. A gruff voice, hushed so no one would hear, erupted from his throat. "I know you have money rich boy, where is it?"

        Another figured stepped out of the darkness, chuckling to himself, he had one eye, the other covered by a deep pink scar that ran diagonally from his forehead to the center of his cheek. "maybe he needs a little coaxing Rex." He said.

      "The only coaxing you'll need is into a prison cell" I spat. My saliva hitting him in the face and splattering against his cheek. The guy, apparently named Rex, grimaced and wiped my spit off his face. His hand wrapped itself around my neck, squeezing me against the cold wall, nearly choking me. "now listen here boy, I ain't playing no games with you, hand over the money or me and my friend here will kill you and take it from you ourselves and nobody will be here to help you, not even your oh so powerful father. So what's it gonna be?"

     My mind was racing with ideas of how to take this guy. He was pure muscle, and not only that he had another person with him, and alas, I was without Liz and Patty, without them it would be difficult to take them on by myself. I looked him in the eyes, glaring. "I. don't. have. Any. Money." Almost immediately I felt his fist connect with the side of my face. I grunted, biting down on my lower lip. Looking back at him I soon realized my left eye was beginning to swell up. A black eye, just what I needed.

     Almost out of nowhere a female voice rang out. "Hello again boys." Looking up I watched as a slim figure jumped down from the roof above and landed gracefully a few feet away. The dimming street lights caught her features from out of the shadows. She had long (your hair color) hair, that was pulled back into a braid, a few pieces of it had fallen out and graced her cheeks. Her eyes were a brilliant (eye color) that seemed to pierce through the darkness. She was wearing a t-shirt and a leather jacket with skinny jeans and black boots that went up to her knees, she seemed every bit of dangerous, especially with the long, gold, katana she held within her grasp. She was a meister.

The mugger looked over at her as she smiled and twirled the katana. "I thought I already took care of you two, and now look what you've done. I gave you a chance to stop." While they were looking at her I took the opportunity, I brought my leg up fast and hard, getting him in the groin. He grunted and doubled over in pain while I took the chance to grab the pistol poking out from his belt. The girl took no time to act, she had the guy's companion on the ground, holding the tip of the katana against his throat by the time I had the guy against the wall, pistol in hand, pointing it at his skull. It only took me a minute to realize I was holding one gun, I couldn't let him go so I held my OCD back as much as possible, eye twitching and all.

      The girl smiled at the mugger laying on the ground in front of her. "Fine Luc, last time, next time you're dead." She removed the katana from his throat as he gulped and skittered off. I looked my attacker dead in the eye and grabbed his throat. "I may be his child but that doesn't make me any less powerful." I squeezed, my unusual strength almost to the point of strangling him, he gasped, his eyes wide as he nodded quickly. I let him go and watched as he ran off. I quickly dropped the pistol, not wanting to only hold one longer than I had to, then looked at the girl, her weapon already transformed and standing beside her.

     The girl pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear and walked up to me. "Are you alright? Sorry, I should have taken care of them a while back." I shook my head. "it's fine, thank you for helping me, without my weapons I'm not sure I would have gotten out of this without being injured."

     "No problem." She hesitated. "oh! I forgot to introduce ourselves. I am (your name), and this is my weapon, Jace." I looked over at him, he was tall with shaggy black hair and green eyes. He seemed to be the shy type, not wanting to make direct eye contact, his focus, somewhere off in the distance. I nodded in acknowledgement and looked back into (your name)'s eyes. "Your skills are quite beautiful, have you ever thought about joining the academy?" I asked while adjusting the rings on my fingers.

     "uh... no I haven't...I've been living on the streets with Jace for as long as I can remember actually." She shifted her weight onto the opposite foot, clearly embarrassed about it. "Well, good for you two, that can be fixed quite easily, what do you say? Would you like to join us?"

     Jace looked over at her as she met his eyes, they stayed like that for a few seconds then returned their gaze back to me. "We'll do it" they said in unison. I smiled slightly and nodded. "I'm glad, follow me."

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