Can it get more perfect?

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-Your P.O.V-

All night you were having trouble sleeping, you woke up all most every two hours with the same dream from the other night playing in your head. This time you woke up it was 2:00am. You guessed you must have startled Kid this time because he woke up and looked down at you.

" okay (y/n)?" he asked.

"y..yeah, j..just another bad dream" You sighed.

Kid pulled you up into his lap and you began to fall asleep again. You woke up again at 4:00am, this time you didn't want to wake up Kid so you didn't move around. But yet, even without moving around you still managed to wake him.

"(y/n) did you have another nightmare?" he looked down at you.

"yeah, the same one. Sorry I woke you"

"No, it's ok, I'll stay up all night with you through any nightmares you have" he pulled you close to him.

You blushed and snuggled close to him. You were so close to him that you could see every little detail in his perfect face. His eyes and how they were two different shades of gold, and how they seemed to sparkle. How just all around he was the most perfect person you have ever met. You were in such a daze that you didn't realize Kid was staring straight at you. You quickly looked away and out of the corner of your eyes you saw him smile.

"you don't have to look away, your beautiful" he said

This made you blush. "I can't be that pretty" you looked up at him.

"well you made me fall in love with you..."

You smiled and hugged him, he hugged you back and kissed your cheek. You pulled away, your arms still wrapped around his neck. "I love you" you kissed Kid lightly on the lips then snuggled close to him and fell asleep. Throughout the rest of the night you felt safe and didn't have another nightmare until later on that week you would realize your nightmares told the future.....


"Thanks for everything guys! " Maka said as you walked out of the apartment with the others.

"No thank you! I enjoyed staying over, it was fun! " you smiled.

After everyone said goodbye Kid grabbed your hand and held onto it the whole walk home. During the walk back home you would hear giggling behind you every few minutes. You looked behind you and realized Patty was "fangirling" over you and Kid, and Jace was making Liz laugh....while holding her hand. You simply smiled and continued to walk.

You arrived at Kid's five minutes later and walked in the door. Jace and Liz were still holding hands as they went to go put there stuff up, Patty went to her room, and you and Kid walked up the stairs and briefly parted to throw your bags on your beds. You were the first one done and you walked down the hall towards Kid's room. You leaned up against the doorway and waited for him. He got done and walked up to you.

"Would you like to come with me?" he asked.

"where are we going?"

"on a walk, maybe even to the Death Cafe"

"I would love to" you smiled and took his hand.

You two walked down the stairs and out the door of the Mansion. You and Kid started walking down the street while holding hands. Death City was busy at this time so it was kind of crowded but you didn't mind. You layed your head on Kid's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you. Every once in a while you would get looks from people, some would even whisper to one another. You figured it was probably the fact that you were dating Lord Death's son, not to mention that both Kid and Lord Death were reapers.

"Kid, everyone is looking at us" you said looking up at him.

"Their just jealous" he smiled at you.

You blushed and continued to make your way to Death Cafe with Kid. You two eventually made it to the Cafe and sat down In a booth. A waiter came to your table and took your orders. You noticed that when the waiter went back to the kitchen he was talking to one of the other employees and smiling. You ignored this and looked back at Kid who was looking out the window. You smiled and noticed he was going to write on the window. His breath fogged up the glass and he started to write on it.

You watched him as he drew lines on the window, some curved, some straight. He put his hand down and your jaw dropped, On the window was a boy and a girl holding hands. You looked at it more closely and realized it was you and Kid.

"Kid, that....that's amazing! How did you learn how to do that?"

"what? drawing? I taught myself, I have a lot of free time ,what else am I supposed to do?"

"I wish I could draw..."you sighed

"Maybe I can teach you someday" Kid smiled

"yeah" You smiled as the waiter came back with your food. the waiter set you food down and smiled then walked away. You smiled and began to eat your food.


"Kid, I'm scared" you said while holding onto his waist.

"(y/n), I will keep safe, I promise"

The object was getting closer and louder. In the dark it was hard to see with just the street lights . It's silhouette looked deformed and beyond fixing. It got closer to you and Kid, it let out a low growl and looked at Kid like he was some sort of meal.

"(y/n), get back " Kid said sternly.


"I said get back!" he yelled.

You quickly got back and watched Kid closely. The kishen got so close to Kid that they were practically breathing each other's air. The kishen went to strike but Kid blocked the attack and kicked it backwards . It let out a shriek and charged at Kid. But yet again Kid blocked the attack. He went to attack the kishen but he was too slow and it threw him up against the wall. You screamed as Kid hit the concrete. Kid lay there motionless and you felt the hot tears rolling down your cheeks. You had two choices, you could either sit there and cry and hope that Kid gets up or you could fight.

The choice was obvious. You wiped away your tears and got up off the ground. You weren't some weakling you were (y/n) and you weren't going to watch your boyfriend get killed. The kishen went to finish off Kid when you yelled.


The kishen stopped in his tracks and turned to look at you. You stared sternly at it as he walked towards you. You noticed Kid started to wake up. He lifted his head and looked up at you. "(y/n)......d...don't"

"I'm not going to let you die!"

"(y/n)....please" Kid began to beg.


The kishen came close to you and went to attack but you kicked it in the face making it unbalanced. You took this opportunity to kick it down to the ground. You pinned it down to the ground with your foot and looked into its eyes. Your mood went from mad to shocked. "j...jace?" he had such a unique color of eyes. Jace's eyes were green with blue in the middle, that's exactly the color of the eyes the kishen had.

You always knew Jace was special. He would always leave at night and said he was going on a walk. You also knew that sometimes he had anger issues but you never knew that he was part kishen. "Jace...." you started to cry. " could you?"


MWAHAHAHAHA!! Well here is your late Christmas present. enjoyed!! 48 comments for next update!! live you guys and don't forget to vote!! ^-^

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