"Stay Strong For Me..."

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alright everyone, sorry about not updating but 1.) I'm possibly moving 2.)I'm in school now and 3.) I've had writers block -.- lol well anyways this is the very last chapter because I have lost my inspiration but trust me the sequel is to come ;) lol after you finish reading this extremely long but suspenseful chapter (which will probably make you guys want to kill me) I will write an Author's note about who won the contest. I will also personally follow that certain person and we will discuss ideas for the next story BUT if I choose you and you tell anyone about the sequel I will block you and possibly not write the sequel. I am very trusting of my fans and I hope that none of you do this...but we will see. I should also bring to attention that I have noticed that some if not many of you like my Death The Kid Facebook page and that makes me really happy that you guys are in contact with me more then just on wattpad. I love every single one of you amazing people if it wasn't for you this book wouldn't have been very popular at all. THANK YOU

p.s. listen to the song on the side --> it will fit so well with this chapter and...well it will give you them feels >.< Well any bmth song will work but... still lol


-Your P.O.V-

"you bastard! " you screamed while thrashing in Jace's arms. Jace ignored you completely and continued walking through the desert. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?!" You screamed at him.

"yes....and I do not care, no matter how much you abuse me you and your puny friends cannot defeat me. You might as well give up now before you forget everything" he said smiling.

"Forget everything? w-what are you talking about?"

"when we get to where we're going, I am going to erase your memory and make you fight against your weakling of a boyfriend"

Your eyes widened as you began to cry. You could not escape his grasp no matter how much you tried, it was hopeless. You soon arrived but you hardly noticed as you were crying too much. Jace set you down on the cold concrete floor in a rather dark room. You quickly scooted to the wall and pulled your knees up to your chest. He looked at you before leaving the room only to come back a few minutes later.

In his hand he held a rather small bottle with a shiny red liquid splashing back and forth in it. You eyed him carefully as he walked up to you. "stand" Jace commanded.

You shook your head causing Jace to crouch down to your level and grab you face hard, jerking you towards him so you look him in the eyes. "When I say to do something you do it" he narrowed his eyes.

"what happened?"

"what are you talking about?"

"what happened to you? what happened to our friendship? what happened to that blood oath so many years ago?! WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?!" You screamed tears filling your eyes but you refused to break down into sobs while you looked him straight in the eye.

For a brief moment his eyes shone sorrow and regret, as if his eyes were playing flashbacks but it quickly disappeared. "I do not hate you...your my sister, my partner"

"A brother wouldn't hurt his sister" You said narrowing your eyes slightly.

"I never hurt you" he scoffed.

"Then why was I crying?! why did you tear me away from the people I love? why are you doing this?!"

He stared at you before pulling you up on your feet and forcing you against the wall"would you really like to know?"

"yes....in fact I would. Of course as soon as you hand (y/n) over to me"


"Kid! " Your eyes widened and suddenly hope was filling your heart with overwhelming joy.

Symmetrical Dreams (Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now