The Past Doesn't Matter Anymore...

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First of all, I would like to thank @Pretty_Little_Pistol and @FrostFromFairytail for the ideas on this chapter (: You should follow them!! Now ENJOY THE CHAPTER!! :p


-Jace P.O.V-

When (Your Name) and I arrived at Kid's house our jaws dropped to the floor. You know how someone tells you something and then you end up finding out that they were actually under- exaggerating. This is one of them times.

"I thought you said house." (your name ) said.

"Well let me say it this way, I own a Mansion with a huge yard. I said house because I wanted to see what kind of people you are ." kid said

"I understand that, but A MANSION!!" I said

" I am the son of Lord whenever your done staring I will show you the inside" He smiled.

-(your name's ) P.O.V-

After you were done gazing up at the house you grabbed Jace's hand and ran up to kid. When he opened the doors to his mansion you noticed how everything was symmetrical, no pictures tilting sideways, and no piece of furniture out of place.

"wow ....ummm....well it's huge and um...symmetrical!" you said.

"Everything has to have a perfect balance of left and right" kid said .

"Kid, I'm not sure they want to hear you go on about symmetry for the rest of the night" liz said, clearly annoyed.

"No, it's ok I don't mind" you said smiling.


Time skip provided by Black Star!



You and Kid had been talking for only 15 minutes and you were already on the floor laughing.

"I don't see how this is funny! My symmetry if off!!! Give it back!"

"You'll have to get it from me!" you said while dangling his ring in front of his face.

He tried to grab it but you jerked it away just in time. This time Kid got up and was ready to get it back but instead you ran up the stairs almost bumping into Liz, Patty, and Jace. Kid was following right behind. You ran into a room eventually figuring out it was Kid's you shut the door and slid under the bed.

Kid opened the door and began looking for you when you giggled. He instantly dropped to floor and pulled you out from under his bed.

"Ring?" he held out his hand.

"I ate it" you smiled.


"I'm joking, but if you want it your going to have to try harder"

You smiled and jumped onto his bed. You sat there watching Kid as he got up off the floor and then sat (surprisingly) calm across from you on the other end.

"Please?"he asked.

"nope" you smiled.

"well, then I guess I'll have to finish this myself."

He grabbed your legs and gently pulled you towards him. Then he started tickling your sides. You started laughing then finally gave up. You gave him his ring back while you were catching your breath from laughing. Kid smiled and helped you sit up. Almost instantly you saw something was troubling Kid, he was looking at the bow in your hair when all the sudden he slid over to you and almost pushed you down trying to fix it.

You looked up at him while he adjusted the bow so it would sit just perfectly on your head. When he got done he looked down at your eyes, he almost seemed to be lost in them. Soon you found yourself feeling the warmth of his breath on your lips as you slowly came into a kiss. His lips came in contact with yours and it was almost like a firework went off.

You never thought that growing up on the streets, that you would end up in a mansion kissing a cute rich kid, but it was happening , and you couldn't have loved it more until memories started to flood your mind.


"Why is that girl sitting alone? " "what's wrong with her? " the kids at the orphanage were watching you sit in the corner all alone . You watched as the rain slid down the glass windows, it reminded you of your tears from the other night. You never really remembered having parents, just the fact that they left you at the age of two and gave you up to an orphanage.

The other night, you were only 10 years old, you had a best friend at the orphanage, his name was Luke. At the time you two were dating, holding hands and playing on the playground like kids should do. You never knew, but Luke had a heart condition. That night you decided to kiss on the playground, while you were kissing Luke's heart gave out and he collapsed. You screamed in terror as 911 was dialed. They took him in an ambulance to the hospital. All you were told was that he wasn't going to make it.

After that you sat by the window everyday and just waited and hoped, that some way he could come back, but he never did. That night you escaped from the orphanage and ran far away. On the way you met Jace who was an Orphan just like you. Together you grew up on the streets and learned how to survive, and that all added up to this moment,

-End of flashback-

You opened your eyes and pushed Kid away from you. He looked at you confused . Then all the sudden you started crying, out of all times you started to cry now, right In front of Kid. You felt so embarrassed crying in front of him, so you just covered your face with your hands.

Then something unexpected happened. You felt warmth wrap around you and then you realized Kid was hugging you. "I'm sorry" you choked out the words through your tears. "shhh, it's ok" he hugged you tighter as you buried your face in his chest. Eventually all that crying wore you out and you ended up falling asleep in his arms.


Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed! 18 Comments until next update!! thanks! (:

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