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-Your P.O.V-

After everyone left you layed down next to Kid and both of you began to talk about random things. Eventually Kid fell asleep, you smiled and got up from the bed. You looked out the window, the creepy sun was starting to set and the moon was starting to come out. You sighed and gathered your things to go back home. You left Kid a note and some clothes then started on your way home. On your way out of the academy you noticed the sun was starting to disappear, you started to walk faster knowing what would happen if you didn't.

You saw the mansion just ahead and breathed a sigh of relief. Just when you were about to open the gate to the house you felt a presence behind you, you froze. Under any other circumstances you would run into the house but Liz and Patty were most likely asleep inside and bringing the trouble to them would be unreasonable.

"Going somewhere?" Asked a familiar voice. You turned around and saw the person you were hoping not to see, Jace. "J....Jace" you were shocked. "oh, not only me" Your mouth dropped to the floor, Maka stood next to Jace smiling. "MAKA?!" she giggled. "JACE WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" You screamed

"Oh, nothing..." he smiled. Maka never acted that way, and she certainly would never team up with a kishen. "What do you want from us?!" Rage was building up in you. "us? You mean you, Maka wants something from you too so I decided to make her a tad under madness so both of us get what we want, too bad she won't remember hurting you."

"Maka dosen't want anything from me" you said glaring at Jace. "oh how pathetic, are you seriously that oblivious?" He let out a laugh " Maka wants Kid, she has always loved him but I guess your too stupid to see that"

"YOUR A LIAR!" You screamed. You didn't believe it one bit, after all didn't Maka have a thing for Soul? "Oh am i? haven't you seen the way she looks at him and Kid, he likes Maka too. haven't you noticed how he is around Maka more than Soul or Blackstar? How pathetic"

" SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!" you screamed. Jace laughed then threw you to the ground, a sharp pain went through your body. You cringed as Jace went to punch you when he was interrupted by someone coming down the street. He grabbed Maka and ran off, you breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got up from the ground and ran into the house.

You grabbed some clothes from your drawer and went downstairs to take a shower. Once in the shower you began to wash your hair when you noticed a huge bruise down the side of your arm. You touched it and pain seared through your arm, you cringed and realized that when you go to see Kid again he will notice and ask. You panicked and quickly thought of something, tommorow you will simply just wear a long sleeve shirt. You sighed and continued your shower.

-5 minutes later-

You dried off and slipped on your pajamas then brushed your hair. You put you hair up In pigtail braids so your hair would be wavy when you wake up, and then went off to bed.


-Kid P.O.V-
I woke up and saw a pair of clothes at the end of the bed with a note on it. 'Kid, here are some clothes for you, I went home after you fell asleep so don't worry. good morning, I love you xx ~(y/n)' I smiled and set the note on the end table. I got up and carefully made my way to the bathroom and changed into my clean clothes. Today I get to go home and actually go to my classes but I won't be able to go on missions or train for a few months. I step out of the bathroom to find (y/n) sitting on the bed waiting for me.

She smiled and walked up to me wrapping me in a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. She pulled away from me and reseted her hands on my arms. I lightly grabbed the underside of her arms to pull her closer when she cringed. "What's wrong (y/n)?" I asked concerned "N..nothing" she fake smiled. I knew something was wrong, I touched the backs of her arms and she flinched again.

I pulled her sleeves up and saw a large bruise on her arm. "(y/n), how did this happen?" I asked. She began to cry, I pulled her into my arms and held onto her tightly. "Shhh, it's ok, you need to tell me what happened" she looked up at me "J.....Jace found me, and he hurt me and told me that you l...love Maka and not me" she began to cry again.

"(Y/n), why would I do that? I love you." she just hugged me tighter. I ran my hand through her hair trying to calm her down the best I could. "shhh" I kissed her forehead. she began to calm down and I walked to the bed bringing her with me. I sat on the bed and she layed her head on my chest. "can you tell me what happened?" I asked

"I...i was going home when Jace attacked me and started telling me that you ...d..didn't love me, then he threw me to the ground and left" she said still upset. "don't worry, you'll be ok, I promise" I looked over at the clock and noticed the time '7:15' I sighed " its almost time for class...come on" I wiped the tears off her cheeks and smiled. She hugged me and grabbed my crutches. I took them and hopped off the bed.

-Your P.O.V-

Kid and I walked down the hall, you would get a few stares from people because Kid was on crutches and You were carrying his stuff but you didn't care. You walked into class and helped Kid up to his seat. Class started as usual besides Maka occasionally looking over at you. after class you left Kid in the hallway to quickly go to the bathroom. When you returned you dropped everything, Kid was kissing Maka.

DRAMA BOMB! Lol I left you hanging!! I hope your not mad .well there's that chapter!! hope you enjoyed!! dont spam comments this time cuz I wanna hear from all of you what you thought about this chapter. if you give suggestions for next chapter ill give you a shout out!! Love you guys!! (No homo lol)

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