Friendships and Heartbreaks

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Soo... You guys are probably mad at me for not updating in forever...well I'm sorry, really I am. I have school and I've had friends come over and it's just a big mess! But now I will be back to regular updates (hopefully) thanks for understanding!

-Your P.O.V-

You couldn't stand to look at him anymore, you averted your eyes as the tears started to fall. You never thought that your best friend could have this huge secret and you not know a thing about it for 4 years. You watched as Jace transformed back to a human. You removed your foot from his chest and dropped to the ground in a fit of tears.

"(Y/n)....I-" He began

"No, I don't want your apologies! I ...I thought I could trust you but look where that got me!" You started choking on the tears. "What happend to the promises? To the vows we took ? Jace....what happened?" You looked at him, his face blurry from the tears gathering in your eyes.

"(Y/n)...I never meant to hurt you" he went to reach for you.

You smacked his hand away"SURE! If you NEVERRR meant to hurt me then why am I crying?! Why is Kid laying on the ground hurt?! WHY DO I EVEN LOVE YOU?! All you do is break my heart and then come up with these lame excuses! Well you know what? IM DONE BEING YOUR FRIEND AND PARTNER!"

Jace was taken aback, you could see the hurt in his eyes but you didn't care. The corners of his eyes were beginning to fill with tears. "Now go before I freaking change my mind, and you better not come back" you yelled.

Jace got up"I won't miss you either" he kicked dirt at you and then took off down the alley. You say there for a moment then went to Kid's side. "(Y/n)......" He coughed up some blood.

"Shhh" you took the sleeve of your shirt a wiped the blood off his face. "I'll be's you I'm worried about" You layed his head on your lap and took out your phone and dialed liz's number. Kid began to lose consicenceness and you began to cry again.

-Kid P.O.V-

I opened my eyes and sat up, i was in the infirmary. I looked around and saw (y/n) sitting in a chair next to the bed sleeping. I went to get up but a sharp pain went through my left leg. I gasped and fell back to the bed. (Y/n) woke up and rubbed her eyes." ok?" She asked.

"Y..Yeah..." I lifted the sheet and saw my leg in a cast" what happened to my leg?" I asked, curious.

"When you were thrown at the wall you broke your leg, here, I'll help you"she walked over to the edge of the bed and wrapped her right arm around my waist and pulled my arm over her shoulder with the other.

"Thank you" she walked me to the bathroom and I let go of her and shut the door behind me.

-a few minutes later-

I came out of the bathroom shirtless and drying my hair from the shower. I saw (y/n) blush and turn away and I smiled."mind giving me a hand getting to the bed?" I said smiling.

"Uh...yeah" she blushed and waked over to me. She went to put her arm around my waist when she noticed something."You have a tattoo?!" She said surprised. "Oh, yeah, almost forgot about that" I chuckled.

-your P.O.V-

You looked at the tattoo in amazement. It was a pair of black angel like wings that went from one shoulder blade to the other. You traced the outline of the tattoo with you finger. At first Kid tensed at your touch but then eventually relaxed. You finished tracing it and set your hand in the middle of it.

"Does anyone else know about it?"you asked.

"No, your the first..." He said

You removed your hand and Kid turned to face you. "(Y/n)...I hate to ask you this.... But are you actually ok about Jace not being here?" You looked up into his eyes and shook your head lightly as a few stray tears began to roll down your cheeks. Kid put his hands under your chin and pulled your head up do you were looking at him. "please don't cry" he wiped the tears from your face and pulled you into a hug.

You sniffled and breathed in the smell of his cologne, it was almost mind controlling. Then without another thought you ran your hand down his chest to his abs and stopped. He looked down at you and without another word pushed him up against the nearest wall and began to kiss him.

He was shocked at first but then leaned into the kiss. Just as you two went to French kiss someone knocked on the door. You two pulled apart quickly. " minute!" you said.

You quickly helped Kid put his shirt on and then say him down on the bed. You walked over to the door and opened it. Standing in the doorway was Liz, Patty, Maka, Soul, Blackstar, and Tsubaki. You smiled and let them in. You walked over and say on the bed next to Kid as everyone started to ask him questions and just talk. You noticed that Maka was occasionally looking over at you but you didn't take much consideration into it.

-Maka P.O.V-

Kid, why do you love her so much? can't you see I'm in love with you too..... I stared at Kid as he smiled and continued to talk to the others. why can't you love me?

MWAHAHAHA so I know that was kinda short but interesting right?!! And for your info no I do not ship KiMa. I just thought it would be cool to add a little drama into it (: 50 comments for next chapter!! Good luck!

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