First Day

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-Your P.O.V-

" I hope this isn't all confusing to you." Kid said as you were walking from the Death Room. "Well besides the fact that this hallway has blades hanging from the ceiling and all the people in this school are crazy....I think it's pretty awesome" You smiled at Jace but he didn't pay attention.

"Well you haven't met the whole school just yet" Kid smiled.

"Well then when can we meet them?" You asked excitedly.

"Don't rush into them things (Your Name)" Jace Said.

"It's ok. On my first day here I wanted to meet everyone too...but it didn't turn out how I planned. I ended up fighting two idiots of whom are my best friends now." Kid replied as you walked into the hallway just as soon as the bell rang.

Hundreds of teenagers poured out of the classrooms, each talking to their friends and getting ready for the next class. You noticed a small group of people walking towards you, Jace, and Kid. This group of teenagers stood out to you quite well. There were two boys, four girls, and one trailing behind them that you couldn't tell whether they were a boy or girl.

"Hello guys" Kid said as they walked up to us.

"Hi Kid" The girl with pigtails said."who are they?" she asked and smiled at you.

"This is (Your Name) and her weapon Jace"

" Hi (Your Name) and Jace. I'm Maka, this is Soul, my weapon" she pointed to the white haired boy with red eyes.

"AND I AM THE BIGGEST STAR ON THE PLANET! I'M GOING TO SURPASS GOD!" the spikey blue haired boy yelled.

"Black Star, your going to scare them." a girl said , she had long black hair pulled up in a tight pony tail, she seemed really nice.

"oh it's ok um......?"

"Tsubaki, I'm Black Star's weapon" she smiled.

"And I'm Patty! This is my big sis Liz!" said a short blonde girl pointing to a girl with long dirty blonde hair. They had the same outfits on besides the one she said to be Liz is wearing pants not shorts like her sister.

"Liz and Patty are my weapons." Kid said.

"You have two weapons?" you asked.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact me and Kilik are the only one that we know of to have two weapons. You will meet Kilik later, I'm sure"

"That's cool!!" you smiled.

"oh and (Your Name) this is Crona" said Kid pointing to the pink haired person. You assumed they were a guy.

"Hi Crona" you smiled.

"H..hi" he said shyly.

After everyone introduced themselves you started talking to all your newly found friends. You were surprised Jace wasn't saying anything because he was normally the equivalent of Black Star but for some reason he was being shy. You were going to ask what was wrong until the bell rang.

"well I guess it's time to go home" Soul stretched.

"Yeah, oh (Your Name ) I forgot to ask, do you have a place to stay?"Kid asked

"Actually....No we don't" you put your head down.

"Its ok, you can stay with us" Kid, Liz, and Patty all smiled at you.

"You sure it's ok for me and Jace to stay?"

"Yeah, we have plenty of room"

"ok" you smiled.

"well then follow us" kid said.

You smiled and grabbed Jace's hand. He looked up at you and gave you a slight smile and walked with you following behind kid.


8 comments till next update! Hope you like it so far! ;) Tell me what should happen next!

Kid- OHHH THE NUMBER 8!!! *jumps in joy then hugs me*

Me- Your welcome?

Kid- Wait you did this for me?

Me - yeah I -

Kid- WHOOHOO! You better make 8 comments for my wonderful friend or I'll hunt you down!

Me-.....o.o I would just do what he says XD

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