18. James

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Just realized that I never actually published this chapter. So here it goes. Hope you like it. Don't forget to vote on your way out :)


I didn't remember who jumped first. Maybe it was her, maybe it was me or Quentin. Or maybe the three of us jumped all at the same time. One thing I remembered, however, was the feeling of uneasiness overcoming me as I waited for the cold water to devour me.

The waterfall didn't seem that high back when we reached it. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't really have enough time to check it out before I jumped. But the fall seemed to drag on forever. It probably took us only a few seconds to reach the water, but it sure felt like an eternity.

I remembered that I tried to come up for air, my lungs threating to explode the longer I stayed under the water. Once I was sure that captured enough air, I started to look around for Rowan and Quentin. Panic started to spread through me as I couldn't find either of them. I started to shout their names, but didn't receive an answer from them. Taking a deep breath, I dived back into the cold water. Although my vision was still blur, I was able to make out a figure not too far away.

I swam towards the figure, that I slowly made out to be Quentin, as fast as possible. As I got closer, I realized that he must have hit his head on something, as a red liquid slowly started to spread around him. Grabbing him from behind around his chest, I started to swim back to the surface.

As soon as fresh air filled my lungs, I started to swim to the river bank. Once we reached the dry land, I had to roll on my back to catch my breath. From my left, I heard Quentin starting to cough. Sitting up, I leaned over to him and rolled him on his side so that he could spit out the water.

Once he was finally able to breathe again he looked around confused.

"Please tell me, that we did not just jump off into a waterfall."

I let out a shaking laugh and shook my head in amusement. Quentin inhaled sharply as he reached with his hand for the wound on his head.

"You didn't hit your head that bad, did you?" I asked worriedly.

He shook his head. "No, it just stings a little bit, but I will manage, I think."

I nodded in relief, the last thing I needed now was an injured Quentin.

"Wait a minute," he suddenly said as he looked around for something. "Where is she?"

I looked at him confused. "Wha-"

I cut myself off as I jumped up. I had been so focused on getting Quentin out of the water that I didn't even realize that Rowan was nowhere to be seen. As I ran along the river bank I shouted her name, but there was still no sign of her.

"Where is she?" I asked Quentin, panic and fear starting to rush through my veins. "Rowan?!" I called out for her again.

Quentin stood by my side now looking around. His eyes traveled down the water, but suddenly stopped. "There!" he shouted as he pointed with his finger downriver. "She's over there!"

As soon as I spotted her figure further down on the other side of the shore, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and without hesitation jumped into the river. I faintly remembered hearing Quentin following me, but I didn't give it much thought as I was too focused on making sure that Rowan was alright.

Once I finally reached her, I pulled her completely out of water and turned her on her back.

"Is she injured?" Quentin asked as he kneeled down on the other side of her. Ignoring his question, I checked her breathing. The water must have cast her ashore as she seemed to be unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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