Education- a means of achieving equality...

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Gender discrimination is a wide spread problem not in our country but throughout the globe. It's only the ladies who suffer. Their male counterparts suffer too just because of the power lended to the females in the name of feminism and gender equality.

The only solution at the moment I see is educating the masses about what actual equality refers to- neither a patriarchial society nor a society run by agitated females and feminists.

Equality means being blind towards gender, races, caste, creed, colour or any sort of discrimination that is practised by any country on this planet. A person should only be provided jobs, education on the basis of it's capabilities, skills, talent and his sole determination to do things.

 A person should only be provided jobs, education on the basis of it's capabilities, skills, talent and his sole determination to do things

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In the name of equality we give various groups which they don't even need many times or things that don't even add up as equality. Just for example, here in Mumbai, in the BEST buses there are nearly 6 seats reserved for ladies and nearly 4 for senior citizens. Well, the seats reserved for senior citizens is not a problem for me, but the seats reserved for ladies is a simple form of discrimination. It's like if you want equality then you have no seats reserved in your name. It should be on the basis of first come first serve basis. I mean that sounds equality to me.

And some women are so pathetic that there are some old men sitting in the ladies seat just because the seats reserved for senior citizens is full; they start making a ruckus and shouting about how these men should  know this is a ladies seat and i...

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And some women are so pathetic that there are some old men sitting in the ladies seat just because the seats reserved for senior citizens is full; they start making a ruckus and shouting about how these men should  know this is a ladies seat and it shouldn't be occupied by men.I mean it was vacant and that's the reason he occupied it. You are not supposed to treat them as 'untouchable' or even worse.

Then there is the SC/ ST/ OBC seats in colleges and schools. Why are we even dividing them on these basis. The financial help or the help to provide basic needs should be given on the basis of capabilities or the needs and deserving students not on the basis of their castes. Well, in many cases I have met people who belong to such "lower groups", as described by the system, are well to do  in terms of finance and infact come under higher middle class or even the higher class of the society. So they definitely don't need it.

Also at work places, women complain of inequality, well I am pretty sure no company wants any incompetent employee just because it's a male.

Also at work places, women complain of inequality, well I am pretty sure no company wants any incompetent employee just because it's a male

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Well maybe I do agree that the promotions, job acquiring does get difficult for women just beause of their gender. But we should also agree that males do get a lot of work done and that's only because Indian women since childhood are taught that cleaning, cooking and other household chores are their work.

I am not telling all women but a lot of them in India think that after marriage we have to anyways take care of the household chores and be a housewife so why bother studying or putting efforts in getting promotions. This comes as a drawback to all the females in this country. I mean the women need to change their attitude towards work and their professional commitments and there will be a change in their work place as well.

Also there are women who give the first priority to their work and still don't get the desired returns, well this is actually the drawback we are talking about, the discrimination we are talking about. A need for change is what these women deserve.

Well to conclude, I would say, not only there are loop holes in the system, but also loop holes in the mindset of the females of this country.

Well to conclude, I would say, not only there are loop holes in the system, but also loop holes in the mindset of the females of this country

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All in all the people and their mindsets need a change along with various government policies.

And just in the name of upliftment for equality the other people should not be or feel discriminated causing social tension amoung the various groups of the society. And for this the only solution I am aware of is educating and creating awareness among the females to think out of their kitchen thoughts; as for men to think about things other than work and they can actually hav a healthy and fair competition at work with the female species and that the females are eually as competent and deserving as them ; and for parents to teach the new generation about equality in it's real and true sense.

***********************Welll hellooo peopleee

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Welll hellooo peopleee.... !! :)

Please lemme noe how dis one was...!!

Well  I find the work related discrimination a little dicey but at the end I do agree with a few points. So jus lemme noe your views on this one.

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