2~ // Diaz & Butterfly

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She sat in front of the school that day. She sat out front eating her lunch, and looking down to her feet. It was lightly drizzling, and the umbrella had blown off the table a bit. "You really should come inside." She heard and turned around with an expectation of Jackie. "Oh." She mumbled quietly to herself as she looked up and saw the boy from earlier. "I don't know where you're from but here in California it doesn't really rain a lot so I can't tell if you're used to it, but I really think it's better to stay inside so you don't get sick or cold." He spoke again, awaiting an actual response. She held the sandwich over the plate she had before it blew off. She looked at the boy behind her. "So..?" He asked. "Y-yeah, right." She stammered and threw the sandwich in the trash as she walked over. She was soaked head to toe. He led her into the art room, and they took a seat while she wrung out her long blonde hair. He messed around with the edge of his jacket sleeve, before looking up at Star, who had taken off her headband and threw her hair in a bun. He paused and then shook his head. "Who are you?" He asked her, tilting his head and leaning back a little in the chair. "Star Butterfly. Who are you?" She asked, as she picked up some paintbrushes and messing with the brush, before setting them back down again. She peered over to him, a second after asking. He nodded his head, "Marco Diaz. Don't mess up the tips, you'll ruin them." He said, and stood up to take a brush out of Star's hand and set it back in a cup she took it out of. She stared up at him, a little surprised. He turned to face her and realized how close they were. Star noticed immediately and looked back down to the paint brush cans beside her once they made eye contact. He sighed and walked over to his seat again, embarrassed. "So why'd you have to come here?" He asked, breaking the ice. She shrugged. "Why do people usually transfer places, here?" She asked, not looking to him. He shrugged. "Well I mean some people move because parents divorced, a job change, moving in with someone else, or they need to get a fresh start or get away from something." He explained, peering at her to try and catch her attention. She wasn't focused. She- in fact, was thinking. She'd been thinking since earlier that day. "I just wanted to get away." She shrugged, lying. "Okay then." He said, almost to himself. They sat in silence for another 5 minutes before he spoke again. "Is there something bothering you?" He tilted his head, as she sat on the art supplies counter near the door. She looked up quickly, brought out of her thoughts. "Yeah." She said quickly. "Oh, what is it?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "What- ?? I meant no." She shook her head, trying to catch herself. "Okay.." He said once more. "Do you have any friends here?" He asked, trying to start a conversation. She shrugged, "Jackie." She stated before he sat up and almost fell out of his seat. "You're friends with Jackie Lynn Thomas?" He asked, trying to recover from the almost-fall. She nodded. "I guess so. Why?" She asked, her frown turning to a small smile. He smiled and laughed a little. "You were the girl on her skateboard earlier?" He asked, hoping for a response. Star chuckled, "Ye-Yeah!" She chuckled a little, her shoulders bouncing. "That's so cool!" He said. "Do you like her?" She asked him quickly. He paused, and looked Star in the eye. "you didn't tell her did you?" He asked, almost worried. "oh, no. But she thinks you're kind of cute, though-" She began. He smiled a big goofy grin, standing up. She couldn't help but smile as well. "Really?!" He asked. She nodded, smiling, and crossing her arms. "Jackie Lynn Thomas thinks I, Marco Ubaldo Diaz, is cute. That's the best news I've heard this year!" He chuckled, trying to get himself together. "You know, I didn't ask how you became friends with Jackie?" He turned around. "Well she kind of rode up to me and then we talked and she asked if I had a place to stay, so of course I told her the truth and she took me home and now I stay with her when we're not at school." She shrugged, explaining as much as she knew. "That's crazy." He shook his head, crossing his arms and shaking his head with a smile. "I should probably go train." She said, point to the door, hoping to leave soon. "Wait- train for what?" He asked, calming down, and raised an eyebrow. "Uhh- I meant- I gotta .. I should probably go ... Tame.. Tame! I should probably go tame my .. My uhh. My hair!" She stammered, quickly attempting to cover her mess up. He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed. "Okay..?" He said and moved out of the way so she could leave. She peered the other way as she walked passed him, shamefully. He watched as she reached the door. "Star?" He asked. She sighed, and relaxed from being super tense, and turned around. "Yes...?" She asked. "You're pretty cool. We should talk more." Marco smiled, tugging at his red sleeve. She smiled, then looked at him in the eye before tilting her head and saying "You too, Marco Diaz." She turned around and went to leave before he called out again. "Don't get sick out there." He shouted. She rolled her eyes as she pushed open the art room door. "Okay, Safe Kid." She joked and walked to the girl's bathroom to gather herself.

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