17~ // Flamed For Kicks

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"There you are!" Marco heard, looking up. Jackie stood there, smiling. "Can we talk?" She cocked her head, pointing her thumb over her shoulder and to the exit. "Sure." Marco gave her a smile. 
  Standing at Jackie's locker, away from the loud crowd, Marco raised an eyebrow. "I don't really know how to explain this right." Jackie sighed, frowning and looking away awkwardly. "Jackie, whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be alright." Marco assured, give a smile. Jackie took a breath, looking at the sky, before peering to Marco again. "I don't think I love you any more." Jackie frowned as she spoke. Marco felt half of him crumble. "There's just.. Something about this that doesn't feel right. I mean.. You're a good kid, Marco." She began, sighing. "But I don't think I really liked you in the first place. I resided in you for feelings I felt toward someone else.." She awkwardly explained. She looked away, expecting Marco to be angry. "That's alright, Jackie." Marco gave an assure smile. "Are you alright?" Jackie frowned, worried she'd hurt his feelings. "Eh.. Not really, but I'll get over it. Some day." Marco chuckled. "Why are you happy then?" Jackie raised an eyebrow. "I guess I'm just glad you decided to tell me now instead of leading me on. not only that, but whatever makes you happy, makes me happy." He patted her shoulder. She smiled up at him. "Thanks, Diaz. That means a lot to me. And I kind of heard what you said in the gym.. With Oskar.." She faded out. He scrunched his face in embarrassment. "Riight." Marco chuckled, clearly embarrassed. "It's okay, that's sweet. But I know something going on with you. I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be  alright." Jackie gave an encouraging smile, quoting his words. "Thanks, Jackie." Marco smiled, feeling a weight lift from his chest. It still felt heavy, but her words took a lot off. She chuckled, nodding. "No problem, Diaz." She said. After standing there for a moment, Marco began talking again. "Wait so who did you have feelings for instead, then?" He raised an eyebrow, peering to her. She sighed, tensing up. "I used to like Oskar, and I guess you reminded me of him. The way you looked.. but now I've seen him for.. him.. You both are nothing alike. You're way better than that. I just need time to figure out things. In the mean time, keep being you, Diaz. Some girl is going to be really lucky to have you." She felt relieved, as she smiled to him. He felt himself slowly trying to piece back together. "Thanks, Jackie. That means a lot to me." He appreciated. She chuckled. "Any time, Diaz." She replied. "Talk to you later?" He asked. "Talk to you later, Diaz." She smirked, and waked away, disappearing into the gym. Marco sighed, feeling empty inside. "Where's Star?" he quickly asked himself. 

   Sitting in the art room, she hummed to the muffled music from the gym. She stood up, turning on the old dusty radio in the back of the room. Switching to channels, she connected to a station playing older static-y music. Someday by Sugar Ray began playing, Star smiling. She took a paint brush, and some paint. Setting them down beside a paint canvas, she began to paint. She didn't know what she would be making, but she just let herself do whatever her mind first thought. She heard a knock on the art room door, still continuing her painting. She peered over her shoulder, then back to the canvas. "I don't own the room, you can come in when you want." Star chuckled. The door creaked open. "Long time no see, Star." She froze, and quickly turned around. "What are you doing here?" She asked quickly, feeling her heart drop and feel cold. She gripped the paint brush, as the radio quietly played the music. The door shut, as the person walked over to Star. "I'm finishing what I started." The voice said, as the song switched to Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe. "You need to leave." Star set the brush down, walking to the figure. 

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