Chapter Four

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I answer him before continuing with my previous task. As I reach the bottom of the drawer, I see something I had forgotten about. The fact I still had this was shocking to me, I thought I had lost it when I moved here. The picture was in a pretty good condition despite having clothes on top of it. Maybe I wanted to forget about it and or keep it in a safe place, but why under all my clothes?

I stood up and put it on top of my dresser, seeing as I had no nightstand to keep it on until I got a frame for it. This was my favorite picture, it was of my former teammates and I we were all smiling except two certain people. I remember it was my last day at that middle school after practice. Momoi said that we should take a picture so I had something to remember them by. It took a little begging from the both of us but eventually we rounded up the team and got them to agree. This was taken on my last day. Momoi said that I needed something to remember them all by. What a better memento than a team photo?

The picture was precious to me, it was the only thing from my previous middle school. This was before their third year and became the unbeatable team the world came to know. Maybe, I should've kept in touch with a few of them. Who knows I could run into one of them when I go back. Playing against one of them would be pretty fun, it has been a while since I had gone all out against someone. Unfortunately, I have no idea which schools they all went to, there's too many to try and pinpoint six of them.

I continued to stand for a few minutes before sitting back down. To stretch my legs so they wouldn't fall asleep on me later. It's not fun when my legs are asleep, you can't stand on them almost at all. Before I sit back down, I notice that the cardboard cube is almost full. Sighing, I leave my room and enter the kitchen to find the silver duck tape and a black sharpie. Re-entering my room, I seal the box shut and label it "Give away".  A wave of laziness hit my body as I felt like doing nothing.

I could hear a bath calling my name, it was telling me to stop and just relax for a bit. I had dried sweat all over my skin and my hair felt gross on top of my own head. I get another box from the two left I have, open it, place it next to my closet and go to the bathroom. A  fresh towel in the bathroom waiting to be used to soak up the excess water. I smile slightly just thinking of how relaxing the bath will be once I have it ready and grab my speaker that I just remembered.

I turn one of the shower knobs and let the water warm up before I plug it. Standing up, I walk out of the bathroom into my dark bedroom to find the speaker that I haven't put into a box yet. I turn the Bluetooth on and head back to the bathroom and to wait for my phone to connect. I let the water run over my hand while I wait for my speaker to beep in conformation it connected. Plugging up the drain and reach for my phone, a familiar magical sound through the speaker. Quickly, I look at my phone to see my assumption was right. Who knows, the magical sound could've been set for something else. 

Yes, next week. Nekoma's rivals, Karasuno, will be attending again. This time for the whole week. How we met? You mean when you hit me with a basketball? Then, yes I do remember.

I smirk, everything is falling into place. Now, just to wait, until the time is right. I can't wait to see the look on his face, it will definitely be worth all the time in the world. Every time I start to think about it, I start to get a giddy feeling in. It was excitement, excitement for what is to come.

Waiting [Akaashi Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now