Chapter Seven

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It's now three o'clock in the afternoon. About the time schools would be let out. It's been long enough with unpacking and a nap. I stand up from the seated position and go over to the box labeled "Sports".  Inside, were all my sports clothes (basketball shorts, tank tops, sports bras, running shorts and pants) and my basketball. I dig though the box until I find the outfit I was looking for, a my favorite basketball shorts and a matching tank top. I change quickly, eager to get outside and practice. Running down the stairs, I go into the kitchen to let my mom know I was leaving.

"Hey, Mom?"


"I'm going to the nearby basketball court."

"Be safe, text me if you're going anywhere else and be back before dark."

"Will do, bye."

I leave in a hurry to get to the courts. All the pent up energy was added to when I took a nap earlier, making me super antsy go out. I knew the courts weren't too far away so I began to dribble my basketball with my less dominate hand. Always a good idea to practice the non dominant hand just in case there's a situation that calls for it. It only took about a 15 minute walk before I saw the park and the courts. A twinge of excitement ran through my body.

Upon reaching the park, I discovered that it was empty. That's strange for the time of day, I would've figured that it would be crowded with high schoolers. But, it is a good thing for me. I don't have to share the court or have to listen to people telling me that I'm horrible at basketball. I pick the court closest to the entrance of the park that way I can leave fast if I need to.  I walk over to the base of the hoop and place my stuff down. It can't be stolen if it's right in my vision and I can chase after the person.

I stand at the free throw line and mentally go over my "routine" to shoot. Dribble four times, stare at the basket, and then release the ball. I take a deep breath before doing the routine. The second the ball left my fingertips, was the moment that I knew it wasn't going to make it. I held on to the ball too long, it never makes it if someone holds it on too long. It causes the ball to curve and miss, but let's teammates try to get the rebound. I catch the rebound and make a layup before going back to my spot at the free throw line. 

I get back into position and repeat the same process, taking my time and not rushing it as I did before. Dribble four times, before staring at the hoop. Without any thought I bend my knees slightly and at the same time bring the ball with me slightly then spring into motion. I let go of the ball making sure that it has some rotation  as I jump in the air.This time the basketball went through the basket. When I heard a satisfying "swish", I walked to the ball and grabbed it. The only crappy part about practicing alone is when I do make a basket or miss, I  have to get the ball myself. I can't stay in the same position and continue shooting.

I keep going to see how many baskets I can make before I go home. Once more, I do my routine after hearing a "whoosh" I walk to grab the ball. As I bend down to grab the rubber ball, a deep voice speaks behind me. I felt like I knew the voice, but I can't be too sure. I turn around to be shocked at the person before me. This, wasn't what I was expecting on the first day of returning to Japan. It was a pleasant surprise, not a horrible one. Definitely shocking. Who knew he chose a high school in Tokyo.

Compared to last time I saw him, he's much taller. Instead of being around the same height in middle school (me being 3 inches shorter at the time), he now towers over me. It leaves me to wonder how much taller Murasakibara has gotten. With him towering over me, that only means I actually have to look up to see his face. Well, isn't that a pain in the neck. Honestly, if he didn't have the same face structure, skin tone or hair, I wouldn't have recognized him. With his dark blue hair, it's hard to miss this guy in crowds.

He was wearing his school uniform. I didn't know which school it belongs to. Probably some powerhouse school assuming he still loves basketball. I just stood there, gaping and was  taking in his new appearance. Something I could tell was that he didn't like that I was just there staring at him in shock, perhaps he thinks I'm a fan of his? Who knows?

"What are you looking at?"

"Are you Aomine Daiki?" Shock clearly in my tone. It was weird to see that this tall teen was once my kohai that I helped manage in junior high. Him and the others were a handful, thankfully Satsuki was there helping me.    

"How do you know my name?" He asked rudely.

"Dumbass, its Arisato Emiko. Don't you remember your dear senpai?"

His eyes widened, it seems he does remember. It would've been a shame if he didn't remember.  "Emi? Why do you have small tits?! The Emi I remembered didn't have big ones but close to it and was more attractive."

This instantly annoyed me, he turned into a bigger pervert. I'll show him not to mess with me. I felt a dark aura come out and I smile "kindly" to Daiki, taking one step forward, I get ready to launch the orange ball that's in my hand. It only took a second for me to fire the ball at his face. That was definitely going to leave a mark. Once I heard a satisfying groan of pain, I go over to the fallen teen, smirking in victory. When one plays basketball, they get arm muscle.

"I'm not attractive, huh?"

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