Skye & Derek

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All Skye wanted to get with her ridiculously large plastic cup of Dr. Pepper was a New York styled hot dog from one of those sidewalk vendors.

What Skye didn't want was drama.

With the debacle of S.H.I.E.L.D agents being hunted down long over, it was a rare day when Director Coulson gave any of team some time off. Especially since Skye was still learning to control the 'quakes'. But unfortunately for Skye, the Fates didn't care for what she wanted and decided to throw her a curve ball.

She's strolling down the sidewalk, the sun nearly having set, and half a hot dog shoved into her mouth when she hears it- the commotion of metal against metal and some serious masculine grunting making her stumble in her steps. Part of her wants to check out what the deal is about a block back, but the other half of her wants to continue on walking and enjoy the rest of her hot dog. So squaring her shoulders, Skye shakes off her curiosity, slurps up a large gulp of her soda and then stuffs the rest of her hot dog into her mouth.

"Nope. Not today," she grumbles around chewed up meat and bread.

She wads up the dirtied napkin, walks across the street to an actual clean alley and tosses her trash in the dumpster. She's about to continue on her way, but then the masculine grunting turns into animalistic snarling and.. what?! When did animals become involved? If she wasn't curious before, she's definitely curious now.

So taking a moment to check for any lingering civilians and finding none roaming the streets, which is pretty odd for New York, Skye makes a decision. She takes another enormous gulp of her drink, chews on the straw for a second and then throws caution to the wind. She's quick to jog back across the street and back towards the alley where the snarling and grunting are still coming from.

She hadn't known what to expect to be making the sounds, but two decently sized and muscled dudes punching each other, and effortlessly throwing one another into walls and dumpsters was not it.

One guy has a buzz cut of dirty blonde hair and some serious mutton chops, and the other has black hair that looks decently fluffy to the touch with the same ridiculous sideburns as well. And while Skye's all for a good ole fashioned fight, her day off didn't entail drama that would have her possibly being detained to make a police report, so she decides that this fight is none of her business. But before she can turn, the blonde buff dude catches sight of her and downright snarls with a mouth full of pointy teeth, eerie blue eyes glowing bright in what she guesses is anger.

Startled, Skye loses her grip on the plastic cup in hand- the soda splashing at her feet as her hands immediately fly to the back waistband of her jeans where she keeps her gun. Pulling her weapon free, Skye's heart's pounding in her chest and she can feel the smallest of quakes trembling the ground beneath her feet. She clicks the safety off and takes aim, but withholds firing.

The dark haired guy finally realizes his opponent is distracted by something else and as he peers over his shoulder, another set of eerie glowing blue eyes stare at her. The quakes get stronger and the glass windows on nearby buildings start rattling and cracking.

"Get out of here. Run!" the dark haired creature yells at her.

And in his moment of distraction, the blonde creature snaps back to his first priority and slashes a set of gnarly claws into the dark haired creature's chest. Once the creature's are distracted by fighting each other once more, Skye works on her breathing and watches on as there's more snarling, the snapping of bones, and in the end it's the dark haired creature that comes out victorious.

He's panting and hunched over as he leans against the wall, and Skye's too intrigued by seeing something new that the quakes have completely stopped by now as she slowly makes her way towards him. With her gun still trained on him just in case, she stops only a good ten feet away. "Are you a mutant? I haven't seen one like you yet."

His head snaps up, the blue of his wide eyes fading away to a dark brown. "What did you just say?"

The ridge between his eyebrows smooth out and the bushy sideburns recede into the sides of his face, the only facial hair left being the really attractive trimmed scruff. "Huh. I'll admit the eyes, teeth,and the Buffy vampire face was cool, but the hair? That's kind of disgusting."

He blinks rather owlishly at her, his lips twitching just the faintest before he's standing up to his full height which is about a foot taller than Skye herself. "Can I see them?"

"See what?"

This time, he manages a full blow, smirk and it absolutely does not make Skye a little weak in the knees. Oh, who is she kidding? It totally does.

"My words," he tells her just as he holds out his left arm. The words are you a mutant? I haven't seen one like you yet are tattooed on his inner bicep.

"Holy shit." Skye's eyes widen, her arms falling to her sides before she clicks the safety of her gun back on and tucks the weapon away. "I- I didn't even notice. I was a bit distracted."

"Understandable," he agrees. "Now.. my words?"

"Yeah, of course." She whirls around, her hands gripping the bottom hem of her shirt and wiggles it upward. "Don't mind the bra, dude. Your words are between my shoulder blades." And sure enough, Get out of here. Run! sits right where she said they were. "Growing up, I was terrified of meeting you, you know? I grew up being bounced from foster home to foster home and was always told that I wasn't going to be wanted by those who knew my words. When I finally learned to read my words and understood them, I always figured you didn't want me. But now- now you're being kind of cool about this whole thing, so I'm only assuming you're game. 'Cause believe me, if you're game, I'm totally game. You're lucky I'm not climbing you like a tree right now."

Skye bites the inside of her cheek, groaning the moment her soulmate goes silent behind her and lets her shirt fall before turning back to face him with flaming red cheeks. "Excuse me, but I tend to babble. I'm kind of nervous and excited at the same time here."

"It's fine," he finally manages to say, and gulps. "I know someone back home that babbles like you. You're gonna fit right in."

"Right," she nervously chuckles, avoiding eye contact. "About that, since we're soulmates and all, I find it perfectly acceptable to let you know that I'm an Agent of SHIELD and I have some weird powers that cause quakes. I'm still working on control," she blurts, "but I tend to attract trouble and I wouldn't want to put anyone in danger."

And instead of scowling at her baggage and writing her off, her soulmate merely shrugs. "I'm a werewolf who's in a pack with other werewolves, a werecoyote, a kitsune, a banshee and two humans. Trust me, we can take care of ourselves and you."

It's then Skye's turn to blink owlishly, her mouth clicking shut from where it gaped open when her soulmate said he was a werewolf. "Right," she then drawls. "Because alien prince demigods and actual aliens from outer space weren't enough." She snorts before shrugging rather casually. "I'm Skye, by the way."

"Derek," he then smiles. And wow, that's a really nice smile.

"Well then, Derek, I'm just going to go ahead and warn you that I'm going to kiss you right now because I've been waiting for a very long time for you-"

"Not as long as me."

"-and I really don't want those claws and teeth to suddenly sprout and surprise me. Although, the teeth can be reintroduced later in the bedroom if you catch my drift."

Rolling his eyes with a fond huff at the waggle of her eyebrows, Derek takes a few steps forward and rests his hands on Skye's hips, pulling her flush against him. He leans down, but stops just right before his lips can press to hers, a wicked smirk pulling the corner of his lip upward. "Are you sure you just don't want to climb me like a tree right now?"

Skye groans, her hands coming up to catch his face between them as he chuckles. "You're gonna be so much trouble." And then she pulling him the rest of the way down, her lips fitting perfectly with his.

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