Natasha & Lydia

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Gathered around the holo-table in the War Room, Steve sighs and rubs his hands down his face. Everyone besides Thor- who is presently on Asgard- is gathered around, reading over the details of their newest mission.

After stumbling in on some chatter over supposed private frequencies, Clint found that HYDRA was attempting to leave the shadows in favor of kidnapping enhanced individuals and reprogramming them to be their personal weapons. They never gave any names or just what type of enhanced beings they were after, but they did get the town name of Beacon Hills and the name of a new art gallery named The Triskelion that they were planning to crash on opening night.

And after a little research between Clint and Natasha, it wasn't too hard to pinpoint the location or come up with a plan.

"It's a small town," Clint muses. "Not all of us can go."

"I'll be sitting out," Bruce tells them, his eyes scanning over the details. "I don't think it'd be wise to unleash the Hulk in Beacon Hills."

"S'fine," Steve agrees. "If you're fine with sitting this one out, then you're dismissed, Doctor." Bruce smiles and stands, leaving the room in favor of his lab once more.

"Just because it's a small town," Natasha realizes, "doesn't mean we'll go unrecognized. We'll either need a green agent who excels in spying or Tony's tech masks."

"Or," Tony perks up in his seat, "we send in someone who's wired while we lurk about. Little secret between friends," he waggles his eyebrows, "Pep's a big fan of dark fairy tales. This art gallery is right up her alley."

All eyes turn back to the holo-table where images of a few of the paintings are on display, Clint having downloaded them from the website. There are paintings of wolf-like men and women, and ethereal beings painted beautifully. There are fairy-like beings, and monsters with razor sharp teeth and claws, but the one painting that had caught Clint's attention was the girl with a bow and a pair of wolves flanking her.

"If Pepper agrees, she goes in alone," Natasha says. "Our faces will scare off anyone affiliated with HYDRA and anyone accompanying Pepper will immediately be branded suspicious, and we'll lose our marks."

Tony deflates and pouts. "I'm not letting her go alone."

"She won't be alone," Steve finally speaks up. "Clint will fly us in as close as possible and the three of us," he gestures between himself, Tony and Natasha, "will take position on the rooftops while Clint stays with the jet. The plan is to keep the fight away from the civilians, so if we see anything suspicious happening outside we move in. If anything happens inside, Pepper will be wired for sound and video, and we'll move in if need be to contain the scuffle as soon as possible."

Clint, Tony and Natasha mentally mull over the plan, and eventually agree on it.

"Sounds good, Cap." Tony claps his hands and stands. "I'll go fill in Pepper, get her to clear her schedule and get her on the list for one.. one," he frowns, looking at the details of their location once more and the name of the guy whose art is going to be on display. "Jesus," he finally huffs, "this kid's name is outrageous."

"It's Mscislaw," Natasha smirks.

"It's ridiculous is what it is," Stark rolls his eyes. "I prefer his nickname, but whatever. I'll get Pep on the list for Stiles' art show."


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