Steve & Scott

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Steve stands behind a maroon curtain of the auditorium in Beacon Hills High, practically vibrating with nerves. Bucky stands at his side, hands tucked into the front of his pockets as he stands at ease.

"Relax, will 'ya? We've done this three times today, Stevie. One more shouldn't be all that difficult."

"Easy for you to say," Steve mumbles. "You're not the one being groped by the Junior and Senior girls." Bucky snorts and Steve frowns. "I'm being serious! The Freshmen and Sophomore girls were so sweet and shy, but the Juniors and Seniors.. they're bold, Buck!"

Bucky's outright laughing now, his flesh hand freeing itself from it's pocket to clap Steve on the shoulder. "It's all in the glare, my friend. You don't know how to come off as intimidating, so they take advantage."

"But they're kids!"

"No, they're hormonal teenagers," Bucky corrects. "So suck it up or learn how to say no to all the bad touch."

Steve turns to glare at his smirking friend, but before he can come up with a response, the school's Principal is introducing the school's guests even though he's more than sure that these Seniors were told by the underclassmen just what Avengers were there.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, please give a warm welcome to Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes!"

"We're up," Bucky muses, pushing his friend forward and watching Steve stumble out from behind the curtain.

The two Avengers are met with a roar of applause and screams, and then for the fourth time that day Steve and Bucky talk about how their education is important, but that so is their own happiness and to not dedicate their time to something that doesn't make them happy. The first half of their speech is one of the most cliche speeches ever spoken about staying in school and staying away from illegal substances, but it's the second half of their speech that has everyone's attention.

Almost the entire world is aware how the Avengers split years ago, half siding with Iron Man who basically wanted superheroes on leashes being held by the government and the other half siding with Captain America who thought that they shouldn't be leashed and told who was worth saving or not. But now everyone is in agreement, so Steve spends his time talking with kids to try and persuade them into giving enhanced individuals a chance because some people were still wary of them. He also tries to persuade any born-enhanced that might possibly be in the audience to not be afraid to open up to close friends, and that there are people out there who know what they're going through should they need someone to talk to.

The speech wraps up all too soon after that, and then Steve and Bucky are surrounded by the Beacon Hills' Sheriff and deputies while they sign autographs and take pictures with the kids one by one. It's a long process, but worth it to see all the excitement the teenagers have for them.

One kid in particular stumbles forward, a sheepish grin directed at the Avengers while rubbing the back of his neck. Bucky takes one look at the kid's Captain America shirt and grins. "I swear I didn't know you guys were going to be here today," the kid defends. "I was sleeping peacefully this morning and the next thing I know, I'm being shoved into the shower by a friend who broke into my house and directed me to wear this shirt. I actually forgot all about the assembly today."

"It's okay," Steve laughs, sighing a Captain America pic before handing the pen over to Bucky to sign the Winter Soldier pic. "Did you enjoy the assembly? Your friend?"

"He better have," the kid snorts. "He skipped his afternoon classes today to be here. I'm surprised he's not-"

"Liam! There you are," another kid slides right passed a few deputies only to excitedly sling an arm around Liam's shoulders. He appears older than a high school kid- the slight scruff clinging to his lower face letting Steve and Bucky know that this new guy is not supposed to be here. "I thought I told you to wait for me. Do you know how hard it is to dodge my Dad?!"

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