Derek & Darcy

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In the entire year and a half that Derek's lived in NYC, he's never stumbled upon a mugging in action. At least, not until today that is.

"Get your hands.. off of me!" A female pants, struggling and defying her attackers from the sounds of it. Derek comes to a sudden halt, the human part of him just wanting to go home and heat up leftovers while the wolf part of him stands to attention and growls for a fight when he hears three different male voices.

"Shut her up, will you?!" A male shouts, followed by the tell tale of a smack! of skin on skin.

The female gasps and whimpers, and then another male's voice groans. "The Boss wants her unharmed."

"Jesus," the third voice sighs. "I did not sign up for assault and battery. This was just supposed to be a clean grab-n-dash."

Oh. So not a mugging then.

"Fuck your boss," the female speaks up again.

Derek makes it to the mouth of the alley, his boots scraping against the asphalt and gaining everyone's attention. There's two guys standing in front of the third that's grasping the female's bicep rather roughly and with her attackers now distracted, they don't see as her free hand slips into a pocket on the messenger bag that's draped across her torso. However, they do know something's amiss when the crackle of electricity gains their attention.

The once helpless female now wields a charged taser, she not wasting another second before she's thrusting the sparking prongs into the guy's neck that's holding her. He goes down with a shout and Derek takes that moment to charge into the alley- one of the other two men producing a handgun from the waistline of his jeans and whipping the girl across the face with it.

Seeing the girl go down, Derek snarls, but manages to keep his wolfy features hidden. The guy without the gun produces a syringe from his inner coat pocket and plunges the needle into the girl's neck, she going limp with a whimper. And as Derek gets a little too close for their liking, the gun wielding male decides shoot Derek in the leg to slow him down.

Derek stops with a grunt to look down rather incredulously at the bullet wound just above his right knee, he finally losing the lid on his anger. When he looks back up, his eyes are glowing and canines elongating. Then with a flick of his wrist, his claws make an appearance and the bullet wound slowly knits itself back together.

"What the hell are you?"

Derek snarls angrily, this time the snarl being more menacing now that his features have shifted and he charges the men once more. He dodges the next five bullets and immediately snaps the wrist of the guy wielding the gun while roaring in his face. He can smell the urine that immediately follows and headbutts the guy unconscious. The one with the syringe yelps and tries to flee, but Derek catches him by the neck and uses the guy's momentum against him to slam him in the brick wall, rendering him unconscious as well.

The third guy, the one that had been tased, is weakly trying to crawl away. Derek strides up to him and places his boot in the middle of the guy's back, and uses his strength to shove him back down on the ground with just enough force to crack a few ribs.

With the three men down for the count- two unconscious and one whimpering in pain- Derek takes a moment to cool down. His heart's thrumming wildly and his anger is still boiling just below the surface.

"Never gonna.. give her up. Never gonna let her down," a delirious laugh echoes through the alley. "Gonna tell you all the lies.. and tase you."

Derek snorts at the girl's rambling- she butchering the tune to Rick Astley's infamous song. He knows that the shots fired will be attracting the authorities soon, but he can't seem to walk away from the girl. And the worst thing about this scenario? With his newly found amusement, he can't seem to will his wolf features away. So with palms raised to show he's not a threat, he walks over to the girl who's holding herself up against the wall while muttering about someone named Jane and rainbow bridges, and subconsciously rubbing away the blood leaking from a cut on her cheek.

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