Stiles & Steve & Bucky

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The Black Widow huffs as she falls from a low tree branch, she running aimlessly deeper into the woods while occasionally shooting off round after round over her shoulder. The pounding footsteps behind her veer off in another direction and the Widow takes the chance to stop behind a tree.

Raising her left wrist near her mouth, she growls, "Next time you tell us we have an easy mission in retrieving alien weaponry, make sure you do all your homework, Captain!"

"I said I was sorry three times already, Nat."

"Sorry doesn't make up for the- what do we even call these things?!"

"Definitely wolf men," Tony cuts into the comms, amusement lacing his tone. "Have you seen these things up close?"

"Their teeth are gnarly," Clint muses next.

Natasha can hear the fight behind her, she taking a moment to catch her breath. The creatures, or wolf men as Tony calls them, had been guarding the alien technology for the higher-ups, and driving them to and from owners and buyers. The Avengers had been tracking the latest batch of technology, they finally stepping in when the creatures took a break in the small town of Beacon Hills. The Preserve had been perfect for the ambush, but much to everyone's surprise the people they tried ambushing ended up being enhanced and were putting up one hell of a fight.

A twig snapping at the Black Widow's ten o'clock has her turning and raising her gun instinctively, she putting five bullets into a blue-eyed female creature. The bullets only slow her down, but the sixth bullet to the head drops her. A second creature rushes from the Widow's two o'clock, but she's too slow and catches a set of claws to her right thigh.

Grunting in pain as the claws rip right through her suit, Natasha then manages to un-holster her second gun, she then firing off two rounds into the abdomen of the creature. The bullets do nothing to him and it only earns her another swipe of his claws, but this time it's to her own abdomen. The Widow then falls to the ground, she cursing and panting in pain and exhaustion as she tries to crawl backwards so she can keep the creature in her sights. Her bullets are of no use and she needs the man closer for her Widow's Bites to work, but as the man looms over her with his eyes flaring dangerously, she really doesn't want to get too close to his claws again. He raises his right clawed hand in the air with a snarl, ready to strike with what no doubt would be the killing blow, but a sharp whistle from their left draws his attention.

A decently tall and hoodie wearing figure leans against a tree at ease, a bat hanging limply from his right hand. The figure tuts mockingly, waggling a finger at the creature. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to never mess with Little Red? She'll kill 'ya, 'ya know?" The creature snarls again, this time rushing for the new guy only for the new guy to pick up his bat and swing. The connecting blow actually knocks the creature off his feet and gives the new guy just enough time to stride up to Natasha.

"Who are you?" She asks. "And what is he?" She then nods to the groaning creature who's slowly climbing back to his feet.

The hooded figure holds out his hand for her and Natasha stares at it with caution in her eyes. "It's okay, I'm a friend," he says. "That guy's a werewolf and he's trespassing on claimed territory. My friends are helping out your friends back in the clearing." Natasha takes the offered hand then, but only holds on long enough until she's standing on her own feet. Then ripping away from his touch, the figure finally lowers his hood and Natasha's left staring at a young-ish pale guy. He has moles dotting the left side of his face and neck, spiky dark hair, and small black plugs piercing his gauged ears. "I'm Stiles, by the way."

Natasha says nothing, but her gaze darts to the werewolf that's standing once more, he growling and snarling and readying himself to lunge at them. She powers up her Widow's Bites, but Stiles merely chuckles. With his free hand he reaches into his hoodie pocket and pulls free a now formed fist, and before the werewolf actually lunges, Stiles' fists shoots upward and Natasha watches as black dust flies up before spreading outward and making a perfect circle around them.

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