Chapter 4: So The Pursuit Begins

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Finn entered the grand hall to find his mother, Lady Fabray and Quinn chatting gaily with one another about things he probably wouldn't care about in the least. He strode up to the women disrupting their conversation.

"Hello and goodbye!" Finn greeted curtly turning around to head back upstairs.

"Excuse me, Finn, where do you think you're going?" his mother asked staring at him disapprovingly.

"I said I would come down to say hello and that's what I did so if you'll excuse me..."

Carole's voice rose. "You are not excused and you will come back right now." Her tone suggested that Finn would pay dearly if he didn't do as told.

"Can we make this quick? I'm busy," Finn barked out unhappily. He wanted to get back to Rachel.

Carole scoffed. "What could you be busy with? Everyone who keeps you busy is here. Now Finn, Lady Fabray and I have decided that your wedding will take place on the first Saturday of next month. That should give the event planners enough time to get everything ready and to build up a big enough buzz around the kingdom. With any luck Aunt Sue will hear of your nuptials and stop her crazy bid to take over McKinley because hopefully an heir won't be too far behind the wedding."

Quinn couldn't help but giggle as Finn looked at her while his mother spoke of an heir.

He shook his head furiously. "Mom, I'm not marrying Quinn!" He turned to the blonde his mother was insisting on. "Quinn this is nothing on you. You're very pretty and smart and you'd make any guy happy I'm sure but I'm just not into you that way. I want to find someone myself."

Quinn pursed her lips as she stared at the floor.

Lady Fabray spoke up. "Your majesty, I can assure you there is no finer woman in McKinley to marry. Quinn would make a fabulous queen and give you an heir-"

"I'm sure there isn't and she would but I still don't want to marry your daughter. So you three can make all the plans you want for a wedding but I won't be showing up." Finn turned around to walk away and nearly ran into Kurt who had been standing very close behind him. "Excuse me." He moved the smaller man out of the way.

"Finn, if you leave right now I am done," Carole threatened. Finn paused in his tracks.

He was at a crossroad. Finn could turn around like a good little boy, marry Quinn, make a bunch of babies and continue to let his mother make choices for him and be miserable the rest of his life or he could man-up, take full responsibility for himself and his position the first time in his life, go upstairs and explain everything to Rachel and potentially find the true love and happiness he'd been searching for.

Continuing to walk without facing the group again Finn made his choice. "Consider yourself retired, Mom."

Carole's mouth dropped as she watched her son walk away from her. She apologetically smiled at Lady Fabray and Quinn before excusing herself to follow after Finn.

"Finn, what are you doing?" she whispered harshly at Finn as they walked down the long hallway to the back stairwell to Finn's floor.

"I'm doing something I should have done a long time ago. Like you said, I'm 23. It's time to grow up and stop being so scared of failing that I never even try." Rachel's words had been in his brain since she spoke them.

"What changed since this morning?" she asked, pride growing in her voice.
Finn stopped and turned to face her. "Mom, can we maybe talk about this later? There's something I have to do right now."

She shook her head and looked like she wanted to cry. Carole brought her hand up to caress Finn's cheek. "I'm so proud of you, Finn." Finn smiled. For once he actually felt like he had done something to be proud of. "But I still think you should marry Quinn."

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