Chapter 9: Caught Up in the Storm

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A feral scream ripped from the girl's throat as she threw the looking glass across the room shattering it into a million pieces. As if Sue wouldn't be mad enough that Quinn couldn't think of a way to sway Finn's affections in her direction, plus add the fact she just destroyed the link into Finn's life Sue had provided her with. At that moment she almost didn't even care, almost.

They had been watching Finn for the better part of the day interacting with Rachel, taking her on a date, being all cute with her, buying her a freaking engagementring, nearly kissing her on the street. All they had learned was where she came from, which could only prove helpful if they figured out some way to send her back and make her stay there while Finn stayed in McKinley, and that chances were she wouldn't be leaving since it was so clear Finn was bent on making her his wife. Quinn could tell that Rachel was absolutely smitten with the young king as well and she would be a fool not to say yes.

"Sue is going to expose us and we are going to rot in a cell forever." Quinn paced around, her mother staring at her, thinking. "What does he see in that tart? She isn't anything special! Certainly not worthy of the crown yet he's completely infatuated with her! He bought her a tiara and more importantly an engagement ring. How am I supposed to compete with her if he won't even let me try?" Her mother remained silent. "That wasn't a rhetorical question. I seriously need answers here, Mother."

Suddenly it appeared as if a fire had begun in her mother's brain.

"I think I may have one." Quinn's brow furrowed at her mother. "Maybe you can't marry Finn, but this Rachel girl can."

Quinn glared at her mother. "That is precisely the problem, Mother! I don't see how that is a helpful suggestion."

"We need to see the Witch."

Quinn looked pensive yet skeptical. "Why? You know Sue only uses in dire times."

"This is a dire time, wouldn't you agree?"

Quinn sighed. "Fine, we'll see the Witch. Now can you please explain why we must see her?"

"In good time my darling, in good time." Lady Fabray cupped her daughter's face and smiled at her.

In town, Finn and Rachel were out of breath by the time they made it back to the stable where they had left Rodney and Henrietta. They had run the entire way using back routes to avoid Sugar, Harmony and anyone else who might potentially recognize Finn making the journey longer than necessary.

"Do you think we lost them?" Rachel asked, panting wildly and trying to ease the stitch in her side.

Finn let out a low breath. "I think so. I haven't heard their screeching in a while."

"You're like a celebrity." Rachel smiled at him, eyes wide and shining.

"They only want me for my crown." He chuckled and led them over to where Rodney and Henrietta were lying down. "You two ready to go?"

Rodney practically leapt to his hooves, nodding his head and neighing wildly. Henrietta was a little less eager about it but she nodded in agreement.

Finn took their reigns and led them out of the stable. He helped Rachel onto Henrietta then hopped onto the irritable Rodney. They trotted out of town and just as they made it to the split in the road which would lead them back to the castle, Finn could feel rain drops on his face. He looked up into the darkening sky to see large clouds rolling in fast. Seconds later a downpour started almost instantly drenching him and Rachel. Then lightning lit up the sky and thunder cracked loudly over head, shaking the horses and causing Rodney to rear up in fright. Luckily for Rachel, Henrietta didn't scare as easily and remained relatively calm.

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