Chapter 18: And They Lived Happily Ever After

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And so we come to the epilogue. I want to say a very big thank you to everyone who has read, and voted. because it means so much more to me than I could ever possibly express. It's been a joy to write this story
and I'm so glad everyone liked this so much. So thank you, thank you, thank you everyone! Enjoy! :D

Four Years Later…

"You see Mama, Dominic? You see her?" Finn asked from the box reserved specifically for him and his family in the theatre Rachel basically built with her enthusiasm. His three year old son was on his lap eating crackers and not paying much attention to what was going on onstage until Finn pointed Rachel out during the curtain call.

Dominic immediately perked up and squirmed in Finn's arms to lean over the railing to see her better. He'd always been in awe of Rachel when she was on stage and singing. "Is Mama gonna sing again?" he asked Finn, looking up at his father with Rachel's big brown eyes.

"Not anymore, buddy. She's done for tonight, but she can sing for you before Uncle Kurt takes you home." Dominic seemed a little saddened by this news but pepped up a little when Finn suggested going to see her. "Why don't we go see Mama and give her big hug and kiss for how good she was, huh?" He nodded in excitement and threw his crackers on the floor as Finn put him on the ground to grab their things. "Dominic, put those in the garbage. You can't just throw things on the ground."

He pouted a little until he just flicked his little wrist and they disappeared. "All gone!" he said giddily, clapping his hands. Ever since he realized he could magically do things, Dominic had been obsessed with using his magic for everything. It was rather annoying when he sealed their lips shut whenever they said things he didn't like to hear or had to discipline him for changing Kurt's hair color. That was one of his favorite things to do since Kurt always got so flustered.

Finn picked his son up and they left the box to head backstage to meet Rachel. When they got there she was surrounded by her cast mates and they were being congratulated on a job well done by the director of the show. He spotted her in the large group and they made eye contact before he pointed toward her dressing room to indicate that was where he'd be waiting. Dominic puttered around Rachel's dressing room looking at all her costumes and playing with her make-up while Finn watched him.

He still couldn't believe sometimes how much like Rachel he was. Dominic had her eyes, ears, lips and skin but Finn's nose and hair. He could go either way with his height though as he was pretty averaged size for a child his age so far. When it came to personality, he was a hoot. The kid was beyond smart and talented and loved to sing and dance. He and Rachel would often put on little shows for the occupants of the castle to rave reviews and applause and Dominic loved the attention. Even if he weren't a little prince, Finn had a feeling he'd still be the most popular guy in a room.

"There's my little boy!" Rachel cried from her doorway, holding out her arms to pick Dominic up as he ran over to her. "How's my little guy? Were you good for Dada?" She looked up at Finn and he nodded before tugging her into a hug to give her a kiss.

"Dada, I'm squished!" Dominic said from his place sandwiched between his parents.

Rachel smiled at her baby. "Oh you are? We just wanted to make a Dominic sandwich!" She kissed his little cheek and he giggled like mad as she began to tickle him until a knock on the door caught their attention.

The door opened and Kurt poked his head in with his eyes tightly screwed shut. "Are all body parts that I do not wish to see covered?"

Rachel rolled her eyes and handed Dominic over to Finn. "Yes, everyone is covered. I haven't even started changing yet."

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