Book 8⌇5. Where It All Began

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Chapter 5 ∣  Where It All Began


To Omen's Key

Co-Written with Laisha C. Gardner

The Omen's Key can be found on the account: @DarkR0se5


Six Hours Prior

I leaned back on my chair, studying the reaper standing before me as he hovered over the marble floors. It was his job to report to me about my father's doings in Hell and inform me about any demons that may have crossed over into this plane of existence. Many centuries ago, after my father made it clear that he had no intentions of protecting this world, I made it my job to create laws that protect humans from the demons that would inevitably break loose from Hell.

As son of Satanas, the good god's first and only fallen angel, I am the true-born Prince of Hell and one of the five living devils. As the son of the King of Hell, it is my job to create order where my father fails to, and as a devil, I am more than capable of fulfilling my duties as Prince.

"A portal has been opened..." the reaper's voice trailed off, my eyes snapping to meet his glowing yellow orbs. "One that is being guarded by nothing," he added. Then, he had my complete and utter attention. I sat up, leaning on my elbows firmly pressed against the surface of my wooden desk as I clenched my jaw. "The hell hound has been placed at the main gate. However, this...portal is open to whomever would like to step o—"

"What the hell are you talking about, Orpheus?" I spoke through my teeth.

"It was a demon's doing...a pureblood vampire," he stated lowly.

I scoffed, "Don't be foolish, Orpheus. No vampire possesses the power to open a portal."

"No, Sire. No ordinary vampire possesses the power to open a portal," he paused for a moment, humming lightly before informing me, "This...demon, he wields the power of dark magic..."

I released a deep sigh in my efforts to keep my anger under control. The last thing that I needed was to take on my devil form and expose myself to my coven.

"How long has this portal been open?" I asked, shifting my gaze away from his hidden face and to the deep crimson-colored walls.

"An hour...approximately," he confirmed.

I nodded lightly, asking, "How many demons have found this...portal?"

"Only five have escaped," he said. "I am unsure if the truth has found itself across Hell. For now, I would suggest enchanting the portal. It would keep them...occupied. At least long enough for you to find this—"

" me a favor," I breathed out as I resisted the urge to send him away.

"Yes, Sire?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, mumbling, "Why don't you tell me something useful?"

"Like what, Sire?"

I scoffed as I moved my hand away from my face and shifted my eyes back to him, my gaze meeting his. "Like, where can I find this...portal and the vampire who opened it?"

The room fell silent for what appeared to be only a couple of seconds until Orpheus' hum broke the silence, "He is taking residence in the home of the pureblood Vampire King, Lucca, alongside the former King, Locaine. Fair Oaks, Oregon, if I am not mistaken. I believe the vampire responsible for this is mated to the Princess, Lucette. Rook is his name. The portal was not opened far from there."

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