Book 8⌇12 Parting Ways

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Chapter 12 ∣  Parting Ways


The Omen's Key

(The Blood Magic Series)

The Omen's Key can be found on the account: @DarkR0se5


"We should go back inside," Maverick spoke softly as his gaze strayed away from my own. I hesitated but nodded and followed behind him only to come to a halt just as he had to open the door, stepping to a side to allow me to step into the mansion first.

The sound of the door shutting behind us made me tense where I stood, and I turned back to look at him only to find that he continued his attempt to avoid making eye contact with me.

It seemed odd to me, but nothing that surprised me. After I explained what drove me to set a pureblood vampire on fire that night, his expression went completely blank. The sympathetic look in his eyes vanished and a brief glint of guilt flashed in his eyes.

I pushed the thought out of my head though, beginning my steps towards the parlor. For some reason, the sound of Maverick's footsteps behind my own didn't make me uneasy in the slightest. Instead, it seemed almost satisfying.

Though I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it felt...nice to find someone who understood what it was like to be hated by, not only those who stood beside you, but by your own father. The only other time I felt some kind of feeling to home was when I found my new family: Rayne's coven. Still, there was one thing that I couldn't understand: how could I possibly end up like him? I would never kill an innocent just because I know I can, nor would I hurt someone I love. At least not intentionally I wouldn't.

Then again, to my understanding, he never intentionally hurt those he loves either.

I wanted to know more about him, more about his life and what exactly was it that drove him to become the monster people saw us, both, as it seemed ridiculous to me that one thought of another as a monster simply because they were born unlike the known.

No one is born a monster; we are made this way.

It was almost funny. We had to apologize for becoming the thing everyone claimed we were, yet no one bothered to apologize for driving us to be that way.

Did it justify his actions?

Of course, not.

But, in my eyes, he was just as much of a victim as those he hurt.

As we met the doors to the parlor, I was forced out of my thoughts, coming to a brief halt only to realize that I had already completely forgotten what I was angry for.

It's something...

I didn't hesitate to push the doors open and step inside, though perhaps I should've knocked because it seemed as though I had interrupted a very important conversation.

Important my ass.

The voices diminished, Rayne's gaze shifting to meet my own. It was in that brief moment that the anger and feeling of betrayal returned almost as if it had never left. I had no intentions of forgiving him easily.

How do you keep secrets from someone you're supposed to be trying to gain their trust from?

Maybe he wasn't trying to gain my trust.

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