Chaptet Five ~ New Surroundings

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The next day I did just that. I did so many things to her that neither of us could leave the cave. But even so, I was only temporarily satisfied, seeing as the height of her heat would next three days. But the next night, I lay content with my mate wrapped in my wings.

Ten years of waiting, finally over.

I couldn't wait to see her with her belly swollen with my young.

But after her height came and went,

Nothing happened.

On the fourth day, I woke up to feel something wet under me, and looked down to see the furs soaked in blood. The sure sign of an unsuccessful heat.

There would be no young that year.

When I looked up from the furs, I saw my mate was not in my wings. But I knew exactly where to find her. I flew up to the peak of the mountain to see Shadow sitting at the edge with her back to me. She was motionless, if I hadn't known better, I would say she was at peace.

At the sight of her... I broke. Tears began streaming down my scaly face, and my vision blurred. Skylar sensed my presence, and turned to face me. When I looked in her eyes, full of sadness and sorrow, I rushed to her. I wrapped my wings around her and sobbed into my neck as she comforted me, speaking soothing words.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered, and her voice cracked. "This is my fau-"

"No." I spoke firmly. "This is no one's fault. Don't blame yourself for this. We tried, and it was not to be this time. Don't worry, my mate, there's always next year."

Now I was soothing her, as she cried into my chest. I knew how hard this must be for her, she was so ready to be a mamma, so excited. This is my fault, I thought, if only I'd tried harder- I stopped, knowing there was no way for us to have tried harder. It either happened or it didn't. In this case, it didn't.

We decided to spend another week on the island, learning how to cope. But then I brought her back with me to Berk. However, what we saw there nearly made me cry.

Females were awaking around with small round stomachs, their mate by there side every second. They all seemed so happy, so ready for their future. As the Alpha I was proud, as a mate I was ashamed.

As soon as we were in sight of the Vikings, they came rushing out to meet us with Hiccup in the lead.

"Toothless is back!" Screamed a child.

"Is that another NightFury?" A woman asked.

"By my beard, it is!" A man exclaimed.

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled and rushed to meet me as we landed.

I looked over to Shadow to see her reaction, she was smiling warmly, but there was sadness in it.

"It's a female Fury!" Valka said and rushed to inspect her.

I jumped in between them and growled, I trust Valka with my life but I wasn't sure how Shadow would react to an inspection. It often involved prodding, opening, raising, and invasion of privacy.

"Woah bud," Hiccup attempted to calm me, "it's just my mom, she won't hurt her."

I know that, I thought.

"It's fine, NightWing." My mate assured me. "If they are as you tell me, I trust them."

I nodded and backed down hesitantly, and in less than a second, Valka was prodding, opening, raising, and invading her privacy.

"Incredible!" She murmured. "She's just like Toothless, and only a year younger than him too! The species is saved!"

My heart broke at those words, was it really? How long until we actually had offspring?

"But mom," Hiccup said hesitantly, "if that were true, wouldn't her stomach be a bit... you know... bigger?"

"Oh," his mother thought for a second. "By the looks of it they certainly tried..." she chuckled and Hiccup gave me a smirk. "Maybe it just wasn't their year?" She said sadly.

Throughout all of this, all of Berk was watching and listening intently, including the dragons. They looked at me with the empathy I despised, and Barf, Belch, MeatLug, StormFly, and HookFang came up to me.

"Is it true?" MeatLug asked.

I nodded my head and walked back towards my mate, I knew she wasn't used to humans and wouldn't want me to leave her alone.

"Hiccup!" A male Viking shouted from the crowd, "I'll pay you a sack full of gold for 'er!"

My mates eyes filled with both fear and fury, but I was enraged. Before anyone could respond, I moved to stand over Shadow with her crouching underneath me. She growled and I let out a roar to make it clear there would be no purchasing of her.

"Woah bud!" Hiccup rushed in front of me and blocked my view from the crowd. "You know I wouldn't sell her! Calm down!" I went silent, but remained standing over my precious mate.

"She is NOT for sale!!" Hiccup yelled at the crowd. Many protests rang out but another growl from me reminded them that they didn't have a say in the matter.

"Come." Said Valka, "we need to discuss this. Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs!" Each stepped forwards and began moving towards the house.

"Let's go, NightWing." Shadow chuckled and came out from underneath me. I nodded and intertwined our tails as we headed towards the house.

"Well," Valka spoke first, "there are a few things we need to work out. First, it's obvious Toothless is going to be very territorial over his mate. Fishlegs, analysis."

"Wings spans, thirty feet, height, four feet. I haven't seen her in action, but I'm guessing she'll be faster than toothless." He reported as he hurriedly scribbled in his notebook.

"Second," intervened Hiccup, "what should we name-"

I didn't even let him finish that, I gave another growl, so low and rattling Hiccup looked shocked.

"OK!" Astrid yelled, "No naming, but then what are we gonna call her Toothless?"

"Do you want to tell them the name you gave me?" Shadow asked tentatively.

It was only then that I realized all the growling and roaring could be scaring her. The last thing I wanted was her to be even more submissive, soon she would be licking my feet, the way an omega would treat an Alpha. That would not be enjoyed in the least.

I instantly calmed down and nuzzled her neck briefly in reassurance before turning back to the group. I then walked over to the corner of the room and pointed to my shadow on the wall, it was time to play charades.

"I think he already gave her a name." Hiccup wondered aloud. "Is it wood?"

Oh no...

"Oh! Oh! What about wall?" Fishlegs guessed. I shook my head and pointed again at my shadow on the wall.

"Boys," said Astrid disappointedly, "it's Shadow."

I nodded and quickly went back to stand with my mate. She looked at me with a small smirk.

"So this is your ingenious rider, thinking that you named me wood?" She chuckled.

"Okay I'll admit he has his moments... a lot..." I defended helplessly.

"Toothless! I'm right here!" Hiccup said to me, and I gave him a deadpan look. "Even if I can't understand what you're saying, I know it's about me!"

"Now we have to decide where she's going to stay." His mother changed the subject. Before I could show that there would be no separation between us, she continued. "Obviously the will be together but I'm not sure this house can take on another NightFury."

"And it wouldn't be appropriate for the Alpha to be in the stables." Hiccup added.

"What if they stay in the place where you found Toothless?" Asked Fishlegs.

"That's actually not a bad idea." My rider replied thoughtfully. "What do you think bud?" I warbled my consent, knowing how Shadow would love the beautiful place.

"Then it's all settled." Valka nodded. "It seems Berk and it's dragons have a new Alpha Female."

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