Chapter Three

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At breakfast, you sit in between Blaise and Millicent Bulstrode. Though Malfoy did say earlier that you were going to the same place, he appears after the food is layed out in front of you. He sits down opposite you and doesn't make eye contact.

You begin to eat, keeping your eyes trained on him the whole time. He's been having very suspicious behavior lately. His family has been known to meddle in the dark arts, and you worry that he might have joined them. Was he sneaking off to Death Eater meetings? No, they would take longer, this last one only took a few minutes. Plus, he's too young. What would You-Know-Who want with a sixteen-year-old?

Blaise is watching Malfoy, too. Malfoy seems to notice, and sends his friend a withering glance, but doesn't say anything. Blaise looks at you and rolls his eyes as if to say, you're right, he is impossible.

You nod urgently, as if to say, I know, right? Blaise raises his eyebrows and faces forward. "Something you want to say to us, Draco?"

Malfoy pauses. "No." Blaise gives him a suggesting look, but he says again, "No. God, Blaise, what's your problem?" Blaise puts his hands up.

"Listen, Malfoy," you snap, setting down your water goblet. "We know something's up. So either confess, or we'll confess your 'strange behaviors' to Dumbledore." You wiggle your eyebrows at him. "It's your choice."

He looks surprisingly nervous when you mention Dumbledore. "Fine, I'll tell you later," he hisses under his breath, leaning forward, looking at Blaise, "But you better not say anything to anyone-" he turns to you- "especially not Dumbledore."

"Okay," you say sweetly. But you're not making any promises. You can never trust a Malfoy, that's one of the lessons your family taught you before sending you off to Hogwarts. With a Muggle-born father, your family has had troubles with the Malfoys before. You've stayed out of Draco Malfoy's business for a while, but now it seems like something is really the matter.

Malfoy nods curtly and turns away again, as if your conversation had never happen. And you wish it didn't. Any contact with Malfoy makes you feel really squirmy inside, and sick to your stomach. But you'll soon be rid of him, once you graduate from Hogwarts.

Once breakfast is over, you head to your first class, Potions with the other sixth-year Slytherins and Gryffindors.

One In A Million {Draco Malfoy x Reader} √Where stories live. Discover now