Chapter Six

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You and Malfoy race down the halls to the Slytherin common room so you have time to talk before dinner is over and people make their way back to their dormitories. Once inside, Malfoy blocks the door and turns to you, where you're sitting on the couch. He sits next to you, your hands accidentally touching. You yank yours away and place it on your lap. "Okay, what's going on?"

Malfoy runs a hand through his hair. "Well..." He hesitates, but then looks at you and decides to talk. "I've been mending it. The cabinet. It's a Vanishing Cabinet, and your can transport objects from one to another. I..." He sighs. "I can't tell you exactly why, not yet. But that's where I've been going."

You stare at him, frankly surprised that he told you that much. He doesn't even like you! Or...

You notice he's still looking at you, right into your eyes. He runs his hand down the side of your face. You expect yourself to reflexively lash out and slap him, but you just sit there, frozen, as he traces your cheekbone lightly with his fingers. He leans in closer, and you open your mouth to say something...

He silences you with a kiss.

You stiffen, but as he goes deeper, you surrender yourself to him. He leaves his hand where it is, and moves his other one to your hair, running through it. You put your hands on his shoulders, leaning into his strong body. You never want this to end.

But it does.

Malfoy pulls away. "Y/n-"

"Y/n? Since when do you call me y/n?" you ask, partially teasing. "I thought I was l/n."

"Not anymore, if that's okay," he says, smiling and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Okay, Draco." Draco. His name sounds wonderful on your mouth. You press your lips to his again, mumbling his name into his mouth.

Someone bangs on the door, and you jolt away from your second kiss. "Who is it?" Draco asks loudly, his tone laced with annoyance.

"It's me. Draco, let me in!" Parkinson yells, banging again. Draco gets up, leaving you alone, and lets her in. You always knew that she fancied Draco, but now that you've recognized your own feelings, you're jealous when you see her wink at him. "What have two been doing in here?" Parkinson's eyes narrow when she sees you behind Draco. You smirk.

"Forget it, Parkinson," Draco mutters, leaving to go to his dorm. You get up too, not wanting to be left with Parkinson, and get ready to go to sleep. As you lay in your bed, your eyes wide open, you can't help but wonder why Draco was mending the Vanishing Cabinet.

One In A Million {Draco Malfoy x Reader} √Where stories live. Discover now