Chapter Ten

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This chapter is dedicated to Potterhead909. Thanks a lot for everything you've ever done for me, and for just being an amazing friend- and an amazing Potterhead! I hope you like it!


As soon as you wake up, you swing yourself out of bed. Today's the day you'll save two lives- and probably many more, if Dumbledore can do anything to stop Voldemort. You get dressed quickly, and rush down to breakfast. Potions is your first class, and you share it with the Gryffindors. This will be the chance for you to talk to Potter.

At breakfast, you hold Draco's hand to show him that you still love him, even with who he is on the outside. Blaise glances down at your entwined fingers, and you yank your hands apart before he can notice. But the nudge to the shoulder and angry look depict that Blaise did notice- and wants answers.

Later, you mouth. Blaise nods curtly. And this time, don't lie, he mouths back. Your cheeks warm, and you nod, taking Draco's hand again. You don't care if Parkinson notices. Let her notice. She deserves the pain.

Why am I so angry? you ask yourself. When you look down, you see your pinky finger is resting on Draco's Dark Mark. You jerk your hand away immediately, afraid that you've done something. You silently pray that you didn't. When Draco send you a questioning glance, you shake your head and take his hand again- but the right one this time.

Soon enough, breakfast is over, and you race to potions. Potter and his friend are on time today, and you take Potter by the robes and drag him to the very back of the classroom. "Ow! L/n, what are you doing?" Potter asks, a bit too loudly.

"Shh," you say. "I have to ask you a very important favor. "I need you to swear something. If you do, you could very well save the wizarding world."

"What is it?" Potter asks, his green eyes twinkling. I knew he'd be interested, you say to yourself. Typical Potter, always wanting to save the day. But this time, I need him to.

"I need you to promise me that, no matter what, you'll protect Draco."

Potter recoils. "Malfoy? Why would I do that? He's an arrogant little-" You put a hand over his mouth to silence him and lean closer.

"Be quiet! And I can't tell you, exactly. But you have to trust me. It's about You-Know-Who. I need you to protect Draco from him, please. Please."

For a moment, Potter looks in your eyes, seemingly contemplative. But then he shakes his head, removing your hand, which falls to your side. "No, I can't. You could very well be manipulating me, l/n, and I've learned not to trust people." Before you can try to convince him further, he hurries back to his seat before Slughorn can yell.

As you slide into your seat, you slouch in your chair, putting your head down over your folded arms. Well, that didn't go well.

One In A Million {Draco Malfoy x Reader} √Where stories live. Discover now