Blue jeans

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Challenge: put your iPod or iTunes on shuffle and write 250 words inspired by the first and last line of the very next song that plays.

"Blue jeans, white shirt, walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn"

"I will love you 'til the end of time"

He walked into the room, all eyes were on him as per usual. He was wearing a white shirt that showed of his prominent collarbones and the jeans he bought last week. He looked like he walked straight out of a fashion magazine. Girls were talking, guys were gawking and I, I just looked like a flustered mess. He walked my way and I felt my cheeks heat up, I didn't like the attention people were giving me right now, he sat down right next to me and lifted my chin up. I looked up at him. Bright blue eyes staring into invasive browns, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips before pulling away once again. I smiled, he was back. He wrapped an arm around me and I cuddled close to him, I missed this, missed him. He looked down at me and pressed soft kisses to my cheek while murmuring sweet nothings into my ear and I felt as though I was floating. He pulled me into his lap and started kissing me again, my face was bright red, the entire cafeteria was staring at us. He didn't seem to mind though. Did he ever? Out of nowhere he got back up, gave me one last kiss and walked out. I looked around and saw the confused faces of the other students, I just shrugged, he left, he was gone. It hurt. He always did this, always left me with a glimpse of hope. But he never stayed.

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