Evak crap

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Isak's eyes fluttered shut and his feet felt like they were moving on their own. He grinned, pressing his face closer to even's chest. They were dancing. Together. Things were going perfectly lately with 'the man of his life'. They were at one of the kossegruppa parties, vilde insisted they came. Isak didn't regret it. He was slightly intoxicated, dancing with Even, probably looking stupid as hell. He felt eyes on him, he didn't care though, all he cared about was Even. Even dancing, Even's hand on his lower back, Even's breathing on his neck and wait- did he say something?

"I'm gonna get us another drink"

Oh. "That's sugary purple one please". He asked. This was gonna be the last one though. Even couldn't drink too much. He felt a drink getting pushed into his hands and a pair of lips planted on his about 2 seconds later. He smiled, wrapping his free arm around Even's neck. "I think you're a bit obsessed with me", Isak joked.

Even laughed, "I'm obsessed with you? If I could read your mind it would probably just be my name repeated a couple hundred times".

Isak chuckled, that wasn't far from the truth actually, but could you really blame him? I mean look at this man, have you ever seen someone more beautiful? He was a literal sunshine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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