Philkas crap

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"Are you having fun?" Lukas asked Philip, smirking.

Philip rolled his eyes and looked up. "Clearly, doing math homework is my favourite thing to do". He shot back while standing up. He held Lukas' waist and kissed him quiet.

Lukas grinned. "Why don't you just stop then?" He asked, hoping he could get some alone time with Philip.

Philip shrugged, "I have to finish this, Helen is not gonna be happy if I get a detention". Lukas pouted. "Pouting will get you nowhere, now shut up or I'm not taking you out tomorrow". Philip threatened as he started working on the sheet of paper again.

After about 15 minutes Lukas got bored again, he stood up, slowly making his way to stand behind Philip. He pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Dude, come on, quit". He shook his head but couldn't fight the little smile that was forming on his lips.

Lukas sighed and kissed his jaw, "please?"


He kissed his neck, "please?" He asked whiningly.

"No Lukas".

He went even lower and kissed right above Philips sweet spot. He felt Philip shiver and smirked. He kissed again.

"Oh fuck it", he heard Philip mutter before slamming his book shut and pulling Lukas on the bed with him, kissing him roughly. "Dick".

"Is what you're getting later".

Philip laughed, "hell no".

Lukas looked up at him, "what do you mean hell no, hell yes".

"You honestly think I'm gonna let you?"

"Uhm yes?"

"Well you thought wrong honey, you ain't doing nothing". Philip smirked at Lukas' defeated look. "If only you had let me do my work".

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