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Challenge: write 250 words inspired by the colour of the walls of the room you are in right now.

I looked around, I saw the flashes of orange and my heart ached. Orange was her favourite colour, the colour of his hair, the colour of the cat that always sat outside our building, the colour of the blanket grandma was knitting. I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest. Why? Why did I have to run and leave everything behind? Leave everyone behind? I thought about the orange flowers always standing proudly on our counter because no matter how old they got, my parents would surprise each other with a bouquet every Tuesday. I thought about Geoffrey's hair and his little freckles and his toothless grin. I thought about the shed we spilled paint on and the playground we used to play in. Tears started slipping out. I wiped them away, I had to stay strong. I had to do this for them. I thought about the orange sweater Adelaide gave me and smiled, it was my favourite and one of the few items I took with me. I didn't wear it though, I can't bear the thought of something happening to it. I thought about the first time someone told me about this quest. They were wearing orange socks. I quietly giggled to myself, who wears orange socks? I laid my head down and sighed. Just a couple more months, then all of this would be finished and I could see my family again. I smiled at that thought and slowly but surely fell back asleep.

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