chapter 7

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Zake's p.o.v.

Why do I do this? Zake thought as he fell asleep with Steff next to him. Then he thought. Because she looks so peaceful, that's why.

When he woke in the morning he tried to get up but an arm around his chest kept him there. He looked down at an angel like Steff sleeping. Her head on his chest, her arm over his abdomen. She had her legs pulled up one rested over his thigh.

It's odd. He thought. Rian never did this when she slept. She never cuddled.

Steff stirred, then started shaking. "No." She mumbled. "No. Aly? Zake what about Aly?" She gasped and sat up. "No!"

"Hey." Zake looked at Steff. She turned and hugged him. She let out a sob that surprised him. He'd never seen her cry. "Hey. Hey. It's okay. It was just a dream." He put his hand on her hair. "I'm here."

"It wasn't a dream." She sobbed. "It was a nightmare."

"You wanna tell me what it was?" She shook her head against his chest. "Okay."


Steff's p.o.v.

Zake stood in the hallway next to all of her bags. "You're fired!" He yelled. Then pulled out a gun. "Literally."

"No." She cried. "No. Aly? Zake what about Aly?" He pulled the trigger followed by a loud crack. She shot up yelling. "No!"


When she calmed down they went to wake Aly and get her ready to go. Her grandparents came at eleven. After she was gone Steff and Zake plopped on the couch.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I don't usually have nightmares. Actually that was my first that I remember."

"Hey." He pulled her to him again. "You're human, well kinda. It happens."

"Kinda?" She tucked herself closer.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "I think you got dipped into the time vortex."

She laughed. "That's new. Its usually space dust, or swallowed moon sand."

"Wait people say that to you?" He laughed.


"Hey let's go out to lunch." He offered. "You know, to make up for my inviting myself and you to that dinner."

"Okay." She looked at herself. "I need to change first. I wore these yesterday."

"Okay." He smiled. "Yeah. Me too."

They went to a cafe and ordered coffee and bagels. "So what was you're nightmare about? I mean I  know I was in it and Aly but what happened?" Zake asked

She blushed. "You shot me." His eyes widened. "Yeah."

"I vow, right at this moment, never to do that in reality." He held a hand over his heart.

She laughed. "That makes me feel so much better."

They walked around the block and went back home. There they sat in the family room and read a book about a servant who becomes a princess. Then he pulled up face time on his laptop and called his mother-in-law.

"Daddy!" Aly sang through the laptop.
"Hey, baby."

"Where's Steff?" She looked around.

Steff went and stood behind the couch. "Hey, princess. How's it going?"

"It's fun! I miss you though."

"Awe we miss you too." They both said.

Aly laughed. "Jinx!" She yelled. They all laughed. "Well we're going to the park so I has to go. Bye bye daddy. Bye bye Steff. I love you both."

When the screen said "call ended" Steff let out a sob and sank to the floor with her knees up and cried. Zake shot up and knelt by her.

"Hey." He said wiping her tears of her cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" She sobbed. "Nothing is wrong. She said she loves me. No one has ever said that to me."

"Really?" She nodded. "Oh."

He pulled her into a hug. "Sorry." She sniffed. "I'm just having an emotional day."

"Its okay." He said wiping her tears once more. "We all have those days." He checked the time. 6:30 p.m. "when does that dinner start?"

"Seven" she sniffed.

"It's six thirty." He helped her up. "Let's go."


Zake's p.o.v.

He wanted to tell her he loved her. He wanted her to know that it's possible for people to love her. The look on her face made him fall even deeper. But he can't, he's her boss. Plus they've only known each other for a short time.

When she came down the stairs in a white dress his breath caught in his throat. Her hair hung like a chocolate waterfall. Her ringlets reached to her shoulder blades. Her face looked like a porcelain doll.

She no longer looks pretty. He thought. She's a goddess. "You look-you!"

"Thanks." She blushed. "You look handsome." He wore his tux from his wedding.

"Thanks." He held out his arm. "Let's go. We're already late. Addy and Scott are in the family room."

They left together all in Scott's car. When they got there Mr. Greenberg was standing by the door greeting his guest. Steff turned but Zake took her arm.

"Let's go." He said pulling her to the door.

"Hello Addison, Scott." Mr. Greenberg smiled. When he saw Steff and Zake he frowned. "Steff I remember firing you."

"Yes, Mr. Greenberg, you did." Addy said. "She's my guest. And this is her-"

"Date." Zake cut in. "I'm Zake Thompson."

"Thompson?" Mr. Greenberg looked scared. He gulped. "Nice to meet you."

The went in and Steff whispered to him. "What was that about?"

"Later." Was all he said. They sat and ate.


Steff's p.o.v.

When they go home she looked at him. "So?"

He laughed. "We are both going for the same company. It's being auctioned off. And right now we're tied. I need 10,000 to get it."

"I'll give it to you." She looked at him. He looked so hansom. "And don't say no. I do not want him to take anything from you. He's a-"

"I love you."  He laughed. She stopped. He took her face in his hands and whispered. "That's right. I. Love. You."  She looked down and he lifted her chin.

She turned and ran to her room. She shut the door and and slid to the ground. She cried. Never in my whole life. She thought. Have I cried this much in one day. Never in my whole life have I been told "I love you."

A knock came at her door. "Steff?" His voice warmed her heart. "Please listen to me. I need you to just listen, okay?"

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