The 1st

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"Garnet, Garnet, GARNET!" Steven yelled, throwing off his covers.
He ran to his small dresser and grabbed the clothes he picked out the day before. Every thing was planned, and everything had to be perfect.
As soon as he was done, he grabbed a wrapped box with a bow on it(that he spent all night on) and headed for the temple door.
"Here it goes," he whispered.
      The door slid open and Steven walked in cautiously. He fumbled with the box as he made his way towards where Garnet's back was turned. She was examining pink bubbles. Steven felt a drop of sweat roll down his face.
"Um, Garnet?"
"It's February 1st."
"Yes! It is!"
She turned to a smiling Steven. Excitement ricocheted and oozed from his small body.
"As far as I can see..." She mumbled. "There are no missions so far."
"YES!" Steven cried happily and jumped up and down. He did a jig.
"Come on Garnet! Let's go! Let's go NOW! Your first appointment starts at 9!" He yelled and pulled her hand.

Short chapter, I know. SORRRRY. Next one is called The Appointment.


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