Chapter 9

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Hyungwon woke up to an empty bed and sighed sitting up. Had Hoseok really left him like that? Hyungwon scoffed and rolled his eyes and got out of bed. Was the boy too embarrassed to be seen leaving his dorm? Hyungwon rolled his eyes and slammed the bathroom door shut behind him. If Hoseok wanted to be that way then so be it. Hyungwon got ready quickly and left for school, ignoring the stares he received.

He walked into the building and watched as all conversations stopped. "I heard Hyungwon tried to sleep with Hoseok." He heard whispered behind him, he snaps his head around and glares, confusion coursing through his veins.

Hoseok ran through the hallways looking for the tall male. When he spotted him he ran over grabbing his arms. What he didn't expect was for Hyungwon to turn around with tears in his eyes. "D-did you tell everyone I tried to sleep with you?" Hyungwon asked, his hands shaking. Hoseok grabbed Hyungwon's shaky hands, looking him in the eyes.

"O-of course not. Why the fuck would I do that?" Hoseok asked, anger coursing through him at the whispers he had heard about Hyungwon. Hyungwon held in the tears and sniffles, his bottom lip quivering as he hugged Hoseok. Hoseok patted his head and walked the other to his class. Kissing his cheek and forehead before heading to class.

Hoseok felt uneasy as he sat in his class. He pulled his phone out, keeping it hidden from his teacher.

Hyungwon'sNumberWonFan changed their name to #HyungWonHo.

#HyungWonHo: babe.

#HyungWonHo: baaaaaby

#HyungWonHo: Hyungwonnie

#HyungWonHo changed SleepyHyungwon's name to KyeoptaHyungwonnie

KyeoptaHyungwonnie: yes hoseok?

#HyungWonHo: Dont listen to anything anyone says

KyeoptaHyungwonnie: I can't just not hear them hyung

#HyungWonHo: I know...

#HyungWonHo: I know but at least try.

#HyungWonHo: nothing they're saying is true. I'll find out who started this. I fucking swear I'll break them

#HyungWonHo: whatever you do just pls dont cry babe

KyeoptaHyungwonnie: too late...

Hoseok threw his phone in his bag and walked through the halls. After locating a single person he grabbed them, pulling them aside.

"Minhyuk, who started this fucking rumor about me and Hyungwon." Hoseok asked, his eye twitching in pure anger. Minhyuk swallowed the lump on his throat.

"I-i dont know but its true right? I mean you would never sleep with him? After all this time that he's been rude to you?" Minhyuk asked avoiding all eye contact. A crowd had formed around the pair as people silently judged the pair.

"No its not fucking true! Hyungwon would never do something like that, I'm disgusted you would even-" Hoseok stopped his words as a pair of girls' conversation caught his ear.

"Isn't he the one who started the whole rumor?" One girl whispered, staring at Minhyuk, who's face was becoming pale.

"He said Hoseok told him about it himself." The girl replied, becoming quiet as Hoseok shot them a deadly glare. Hoseok cracked his knuckles and directed his attention back to his oh so beloved best friend.

"H-Hoseok its not what-" Crack.

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