Chapter 13

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Hyungwon laid next to Hoseok on the floor. Both were covered in flour and eggs and just about anything that they could get their hands on. Hoseok was the first to start laughing, Hyungwon following after. Hyungwon sat up and looked at Hoseok.

"This is so gross." Hyungwon said, slinging egg and flour off his hand and onto the floor. Hoseok nodded and stood up, helping Hyungwon up. The two carefully made their way out of the kitchen and to the bathroom, both shedding their clothes without a second thought. Hyungwon turned around and blushed, covering his face. Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, confused. A sly smile grew on his face as he snuck towards Hyungwon, wrapping his arms around the flour-covered boy. Hyungwon tensed slightly, he had never seen Hoseok naked and didn't think the first time he did, Hoseok would be covered in pancake mix. Hoseok chuckled.

"I dont bite Hyungwon, at least not much." Hoseok whispered in Hyungwon's ear. Hyungwon let out a quiet whimper. Hoseok smiled, having gotten the reaction he wanted and stepped away from the stiff boy. He turned the shower water on and stepped in the shower.

"Are you gonna get in the shower or keep standing there blushing?" Hoseok asked. Hyungwon sighed and turned around, avoiding Hoseok's eyes. There weren't many places he could look without getting an eyeful of Hoseok, so he kept his eyes on the blue-tiled floor. Hyungwon stepped into the shower, sighing as the warm water mixed with the flour and made him feel like he was covered in marshmallow fluff. Hoseok wiped at the boys face, removing the gunk, and leaned down, kissing the younger. Hyungwon melted into the kiss, placing his hands on Hoseok's shoulders.

"You taste like pancake mix." Hoseok muttered against Hyungwon's lips. The smaller giggled, and flicked Hoseok's belly button, earning a laugh from the older. Hoseok chuckled and pulled Hyungwon into his chest, feeling the flour and egg start to disappear from their bodies.


Hyungwon laid in bed, waiting for Hoseok to come back. He was taking forever. Hoseok had gone out to get food, as dinner had been ruined by their food fight. He had left 2 hours before, and Hyungwon was beginning to get worried. He pulled out his phone and called Hoseok. He listened to it ring until he heard I love you by AKMU come on. He furrowed his brows and stood up, following the noise to the front door, Hoseok must of dropped his phone and not realized. Hyungwon unlocked the folders phone, having seen Hoseok open his phone enough times to know his password. His phone had 3 messages and 5 phone calls. Hyungwon opened the messages first. He saw his name labeled Love of my Life ❤😍 and smiled. His smile fell when he looked at the messages under his. Countless numbers were underneath his. The three unread messages were from an Unknown number.

Unknown: hurry up Hoseok
Unknown: you wouldn't want your precious boyfriend to get hurt now would you.
Unknown: leave Hyungwon right now and come to me or Hyungwon gets it

Hyungwon was confused. Who was this person? How did they know him? Was Hoseok in danger? Hyungwon didn't have much time to think, when the front door opened. Hyungwon expected Hoseok, but instead got a face full of fist.

Holy hell. Sorry I haven't updated in forever. School and try cute boy in my choir class have got me packed. I'll update more. We hit 1k view like holy mother of fluff. I'm so grateful thank you guys so much.

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