Chapter Eight

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This place is huge. Literally. I mean, this entire library takes up the entire top floor of the house, and there's so many books.

This is why I'm afraid of libraries.

I looked back at Gale. He stood there, actually smiling. Though, there's nothing on my face, just a fat grin of fascination. He points to the farther shelves towards the books, and I take off into a sprint. Something about this has my blood rushing, maybe it's because I wasn't the only one without these eyes that haunt everyday I live... I don't feel so alone knowing that, even if they are all dead.

I skimmed through the book, brushing off the dust off the books to actually read the titles, coming back with nothing. 

"What am I even looking for?" I groan, clueless again.

I heard a voice chuckle, "Lost?"

I look down to find a new face. Her brown hair was long, hanging in front of her hazelnut eyes. She looked about my age, but was a lot  taller than me. I was never trained to be a fighter or how to use my inner wolf properly, but she looked like she could take down a squad of hunters alone.

"Kind of..." I mumbled, looking at her again to find her looking straight at my eyes, like everyone else has.

"Wow, Carol wasn't kidding, eh? They really are intriguing"

I sighed at her, looking back at the books for the one I wanted, "I know, I've heard that a lot today...."

"Sorry.." I heard her mumble, "My name's Kelly, and I know you're Aubrey"

I looked back at her smiling a bit, she seemed just as nervous as I was seeing all these new faces, and all of them treating me like I was one of them. It felt good on my part. 

"Anyway, do you need any help?" 

I brushed off more dust, making me cough a little as some got in my mouth, "Well, I'm trying to find a book about the Royal Night pack.. Do you know where it is?"

"Oh yeah!" Her face brightened, "It's up in my room! I was borrowing it.. because Carol was.. reminding me about... your eyes.. the last person... Hey, you know what? I'll just bring you up to my room to get your book, and show you around. I'm sure Zander won't mind me taking over Gale's guarding job"

Gale peeked his head around the corner to his name, raising an eyebrow up at Kelly, who giggled at him, "Too bad Gale, she's mine now"

Without a word, I was dragged off by Kelly, who laughed evilly.

"This is the secondary office, and finally, to the left, is my room" She giggled, dragging me inside.

There were bookshelves here and there, and clothes neatly inside a walk in closet. The walls were painted a peachy color that matched the hardwood floors below, and the matching bed set on the king sized bed.

"Is every room like this?"  I asked, looking around the room while she searched one of many bookshelves for the book.

"Well, yes, except the little excuse for a jail hold in the basement you're in... Just you wait till Zander gets yours done" She said, pulling out random books, revealing more books behind them, "I think he really likes you, which is odd. He normally doesn't randomly let outsiders in. Must be your eyes"

I cracked a smile watching her throwing around books, but analysed what she said, "Wait, he's letting me stay?"

"From what I hear, hell yes. I mean, why wouldn't he? You're fragile, rejected all your life, you deserve the chance to live for once! Plus, what if you are the last of the Royal Night pack?"

I sighed, "You all are going to give me a headache with these maybes and possibilities. My parents, Cassandra and Isaac, are my real parents and they wouldn't lie to me about something like this! I'm just...... different"

She looked back from her search, giving me one of the 'what the hell?' looks, "Different?"

I nodded, "Different"

We looked at each other for a long, silent moment, then we just right out burst out laughing. It was an odd sound to hear me laugh, I haven't in that long of time.

It felt good.

I felt good, for once in my life.

"I got it!" She screamed, and in her hand was a midnight blue book, with a crescent moon on the cover.

She tossed it to me, before getting to her feet, brushing herself off, "You can go either back to the library or where ever you feel comfortable to read this thing. I got a mess to clean up before Zander or Carol sees this"

I smiled at her, before staring down at the book.

I got some research to do.

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