Chapter Eighteen

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Zayden's POV...


From my room, I could feel her wolf somewhere deep within her, she was restless, but I knew that Aubrey herself slept fine wrapped in Beta Gale's arms.. It should be me, but look what I've done?

Next to me, was Adrienne, who snuggled into my chest. I knew it was a mistake, even my pack. Adrienne wasn't looked up upon as the Alpha Female, but what was I to do? I needed someone, just to maybe move on, but I knew with her, I'd never get what I wanted.

A family.

With a sigh, I kissed Adrienne's forehead and pushed her away to search for my pants that were scattered around the floor, and silently, I walked out onto the balcony before jumping down to the cold grass, shifting into my wolf. My body shook, shades of grey and a touch of black fur shot out from my skin, bones snapping into place. When it was done, I stretched my back, feeling a little more at ease, before taking off into a run.

Of course, I had a run earlier and looked off a map of the territory that Zander had shown me, but it all still felt too new. Mentally, I let my wolf take control, letting it run off, not holding back on the speed we were going across little hills and rough terrain, I needed an escape.

We skidded to a halt on the edge of a lake, my sides heaving, and my tongue hanging out over my snout, and slowly, I walked over to the lake, taking in amounts of water, before a twig snapped.

I jumped, turning to face someone, in case it had been an enemy, only to face a pair of red eyes.

"We need to talk."


Aubrey's POV...


I woke up, the sun shining on my eyelids, but I was alone. Holly and Gale weren't here for once and as I got up to look at the clock we had set up, it was already noon.

Downstairs, I made my way to the kitchen, only to run head on into Adrienne.

"Watch where your- oh! Aubrey..." She curved her lips up into a smile, then continuing with a ridiculously fake voice, "i'm terribly sorry to have-"

"Cut the shit Adrienne" I spat, not getting caught up in a game. I knew what Adrienne was like, and this 'game' she played whenever someone 'important' was around. She's act all snarly, then act all sorry to win them over to ensure she was a trusted member of the pack. "Either way you're still a bitch to me"

Her mouth fell open, and across the room, she spotted Gale and changed her course, "Why, Aubrey. I was only apologizing. Now what would Gale think of his temporary mate's attitude towards an old pack mate"

I winced as she emphasized temporary, but I didn't let it show, not to her. As I was about to protest, Gale's arms were around my waist with a huge smirk on his face. "What do I think? You ask, Miss Grey?"

Adrienne nodded, obviously having the feeling she's won this round, until Gale spoke, "I think my Mate is doing a good job of showing an Omega where he place is"

I bit my lip, holding back a laugh as Adrienne's face grew pale. Omega's were the low-life's and weaker links of a pack. I knew for a fact that Adrienne wasn't an amazing fighter, seeming she always relied on the men of the pack to fight for her.

Waiting for her next move, she snapped her mouth shut, and walked away. I turned to Gale as soon as she was gone and kissed him, hard. After a moment, I pulled away, but stayed close, "Thank you"

He smirked, pressing his lips to my forehead, "No problem, but you could have taken her yourself"

I laughed, and he pulled away from me, but held onto my hand, dragging me towards the meeting room.

 "Where are we going?"

He looked back, "Zander and Zayden called a meeting for Beta's and themselves. Something about patrol shifts"

"Really?" I asked, and he nodded in response as we entered the room.

Inside, stood Zander , Edwin and beside him, was Zayden, who stared wide eyed down at the ground, only snapping his gaze up at me as I entered.

"Ah, there you are" Zander smiled up as us, "Now, we can start by saying that we'll have patrolling hours..." He grumbled, staring at Zayden, "Apparently we found a group of three of Hunters just by the lake.. So, we have patrolling partners assigned"

"What are they?" Edwin asked, curiousity coating his voice.

Zander looked down at a piece of paper in his hands, "Edwin and I will take one shift.. Gale and one of Zayden's pack, and.."

"but that leaves me and-!"


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